
Watch Full Dark Waters Part 1 Without Membership Without Paying







Anne Hathaway; 2019; Creators=Matthew Michael Carnahan; ; 126 Min; Rating=8,5 of 10. Watch full dark waters 2016. Garbage. I woke to the sound of buzzing and a screen of static. I shifted in my seat and felt pain stab through my wrist. My movements were sluggish, my mind slow. I stared down at my elbow, propped on the arm rest of my seat, and realised I must have fallen asleep with my cheek wedged in my hand. I'd fallen asleep. I wiped drool from my chin and sat up, struggling to make sense of where I was. Memories pushed their way slowly through my jet-lagged mind. I was on a plane, with my wife. That was it. We were into the second leg of a 24-hour journey that would take us from London to New Zealand. We'd already travelled 12 hours to Singapore, waited a couple more at the airport, then boarded a different plane for the final stretch. We'd taken our seats. I'd watched the crew getting ready for takeoff, and then. And then you fell asleep during the flight safety video. There. There it was. A damn broke in my tired mind, and it all came back to me. I'd been watching a black-haired, dead-eyed fight attendant take her position in the aisle of the plane. The screen in front of me had blinked into life. I'd got one earphone in, and then. And then, you dozy twat, you slept through the whole thing. I rubbed my eyes and looked around me. My wife and I were sat at the very back of the plane. Economy, but we'd paid a little extra to get one of the only rows with two seats. I stared round at Rosie, who was in the window seat next to me, and felt a brief spike of alarm shoot through me. It was gone as soon as it had come, but for a moment there. For a moment you thought she looked dead. She really did, too. Rosie's forehead was pressed against the black plane window, her mouth lolling half open. Eyes shut tight. She was slumped at an awkward angle, her neck bent in a way that looked almost painful. For a second I thought about moving her, but then I thought better of it. We'd both had a long journey. She needed her sleep, too. Instead I turned back around and looked down the length of the plane for signs of life. Nothing. The cabin was still and silent. Dark blue seats stretched in rows ahead of me. Heads lolled against travel pillows. There was no sign of the flight attendants. The main overhead lights were off, casting the plane in a dim, twilit glow. The only sounds were the muted hum of the engines, and the spiky crackle in my left ear. My screen. I plucked my headphone out and frowned at the little window of grey static.  Typical. The thing was obviously fucked. Trust me to be stuck on a 10-hour flight in the seat with the duff screen. I stretched up and peered around the cabin again, this time paying more attention to the other passengers. I'd expected to see the soft glow of pixels – people enclosed in their own miniature, private cinemas, watching everything from old Friends episodes to the latest blockbusters – but instead I was greeted by more darkness.  That was odd. I couldn't see all the screens belonging to the passengers in front of me, but I could see a fair few. And every single one of them was dark. Apparently nobody was watching a thing.  Maybe they're all broken, a voice in my head muttered. Maybe the entire in-flight entertainment system's down. Maybe. But if that was the case, why was mine the only screen crackling with static? Fuck it. On a whim, I reached up and pushed the little "Assistance" button above my seat. The greyed out symbol, which showed a little stick person that was clearly meant to be a flight attendant, blinked red. Ding! I heard the noise and stared at the symbol, and for the briefest of moments – for a reason I couldn't even remotely place – I felt a flicker of anxiety in my stomach. Just a faint worm. There one moment, gone the next. I peered around the seat in front of me to look down the cabin. Still empty. The aisle stretched away from me, ending in a dark blue curtain that had been drawn shut. Forget about ghost trains, piped up the voice in my head, you're on a ghost plane! No working screens, no working people, and you can absolutely forget about getting that assistance you want, mate, because the lights might be on, but nobody's– "What are you doing. The voice didn't just  almost make me jump – it caused a nasty wave of shock to shoot through me like static. I jerked towards the sound and found myself staring up at the dark haired flight attendant I remembered from earlier. The dead-eyed one. She'd popped up next to my seat like a fucking jack-in-the-box. Must have come from the back of the plane. I looked up at her and she stared back at me, her eyes just as cold as they'd been before. No discernible expression on her face. "Oh sorry, yes, I, er–" I tried to fumble out a sentence, but she cut me off. "What do you think you're doing, sir? Didn't you watch the safety video. I stared back at her. The flight attendant met my gaze, then slowly raised an arm to point above me. I followed her finger. It took me a moment to realise what the hell she was on about, but then I spotted a second red light next to the "Assistance" one I'd just switched on. The seatbelt light. I looked down, stupidly, and saw that my own seatbelt was unclasped in my lap. The separate ends were skewed around my legs. Absurdly, I felt a pang of guilt. "I, er. Sir? I asked you if you watched the safety video. I stared back up at the flight attendant, for a moment too baffled to reply. What the hell was going on? The woman's rudeness had caught me completely off guard. After a few more seconds of struggling to collect myself, though, I finally found my words. "No, I couldn't watch your safety video. My screen's broken. I gestured in the direction of the static. "That's why I called you over. The attendant turned her blank face towards the crackling screen – and just for a second, I saw something pass behind her eyes. A shadow of some emotion. Only it wasn't a look of apology, or a realisation that she was in the wrong, like I'd been expecting. Not even close. For a moment, I could have sworn the woman looked nervous. Almost afraid. But then it passed, and she was staring down at me again with those dead eyes of hers. "Fasten your seatbelt please, sir, and stay seated. I'm going to need to speak to the captain. What? Is that really necessary? I thought you might be able to fix it, or, I don't know, move us to a different seat, or–" Stay seated please, sir. The captain will need to hear about this. I opened my mouth to protest, but she'd already turned away. I watched her stride down the aisle and disappear through the blue curtain, which swished shut behind her. I turned my head to say something to Rosie – to comment on how rude the woman was – then remembered she was asleep. My wife's mouth was still open, her forehead resting on the black glass. Her face paper-white against the darkness. I got up out of my seat for two reasons: partly in protest of the flight attendant's blunt command, and partly because I needed a piss. My bladder felt full and uncomfortable, my mouth cottony. I thought I'd relieve myself, swill my mouth out, and splash some cold water on my face. Wake myself up a bit. Being at the back of the plane I was right by the toilets, but as I climbed out into the aisle – feeling another of those irrational, guilty pangs shoot through me – my eyes were drawn to the people in the seats opposite ours. Over on the far side of the plane. Another couple, a fair bit older than us. Man and wife. Both asleep. The woman's head was propped in the corner where her seat met the window, her chin tipped back. Mouth open, just like my wife's. The man was slumped forwards in his chair, forehead pressed against his black TV screen. As I watched, a runnel of drool slipped from his lower lip and plopped onto the carpet by his feet. Fucking disgusting, I thought to myself as I made my way to the toilet. But something about the sight of the couple troubled me. They hadn't just looked asleep, they'd looked completely out of it. Did anyone really sleep that deeply on a plane? By the time the thought had gone through my head, though, I was already standing in front of the toilet. The lock above the door handle was green, which meant it was vacant, so I reached out to turn it. But then I paused. Above the door, another of those red seatbelt lights blared down at me. The thing looked like a warning. I glanced back the way I'd come, but there was no sign of the dead-eyed flight attendant. I turned back to the door and heard the echo of her words in my mind. Stay seated please, sir. For some reason, the memory of that sentence caused another faint worm to twist in my stomach. What did the captain need to hear about, exactly? The fact that my screen was broken? I'm no expert on the inner-workings of airlines, but I had a feeling that was probably a little below the guy's pay grade. Just get on with it, hissed the voice in my head. You can be done and in your seat again by the time she's back. Feeling absurdly nervous, I twisted the handle and pushed the door open. The room beyond was a nest of shadows. I stepped in, shut the door behind me, and twisted the lock. A little light blinked on. I unzipped my flies, turned to face the toilet, and felt a scream rise up in my stomach like acid. I bit it back. Just. But as I stared around the little toilet cubicle – or rather, what I thought was a toilet cubicle – I felt my skin tingling with a horrible, itchy shock. The place looked like the inside of a cave. That's the best way I can describe it. Like one of those rocks the teacher would cut open in school to reveal a sparkling, hollowed-out centre. The sight was so unexpected that it took me a few moments to process what I was actually looking at, but I got there eventually. Crystals. Hundreds of purple crystals. They coated the white plastic of the toilet seat like dark moss, and climbed the walls and ceiling like some alien ivy. The crystals twinkled in the overhead light of the toilet, strangely beautiful. Or almost beautiful. Maybe they would have been if the sight wasn't so fucking disturbing at the same time. Looking into that cubicle was like cutting open a shiny apple to discover a rotten core; the sight felt unnatural, and entirely out of place. It made my scalp itch. Slowly, as if the purple substance in the toilet was an animal that'd react to quick movements, I backed away. Felt myself bump the closed toilet door behind me. Feeling the skin on my neck and back itch worse than ever, I turned around and fumbled with the lock. When it finally turned and I had the handle down I half fell through the door as it swung open, only just managing to keep my feet. I twisted and slammed the thing shut behind me, the voice in my mind already jabbering possible explanations. Dreaming, that's all. You must still be dreaming. You fell asleep and thought you woke back up again, but really you just– "Sir. I didn't scream, but this time I did let out a yelp. I turned and found myself face-to-face with the dead-eyed flight attendant. She stared up at me, her face as blank and impassive as ever. "What are you doing, sir. She kept her eyes locked on mine as she spoke. "I thought I told you to stay seated. I opened my mouth to respond to her – to say something about what I'd just seen in the toilet – but then my words froze. Oh Jesus, the voice in my mind jabbered at me. Oh Jesus Christ, those things are on her fucking eyes. They were, too. I wasn't just seeing things. Now that I was stood facing her, I had a better view of the flight attendant's face than I'd had earlier. And as much as my shocked mind tried to kid itself that she was just wearing colourful eye-liner, it couldn't. The crystals were on her eyelids. Tiny, thin rows of them. Crusted in the corners, and dangling from her upper lids like stalactites. Impossibly small, but impossible to mistake. As I continued staring I saw more of them around her hairline, too, and some clustered in the cups of her ears. They rimmed her nostrils like dried, bloody snot. It took me a while to realise she was speaking to me. Saying something. Her mouth was moving, revealing glimpses of teeth that had more of that dark purple stuff trapped between them. I stared at her, my entire body hot with shock and fear. "Sir? Sir, are you listening to me. I nodded my head. Forced myself not to stare at the crystals spreading over this woman's face. "I said youll need to return to your seat immediately. The captain was very strict about that. Youll be pleased to know weve got your screen working, though, so the first thing you can do is watch the flight safety video. Oh. okay. Its for your own sake. This journey is going to be a long one for you if you dont. Very long. I opened my mouth to respond, but shed already turned away. She moved down the aisle and stood by my seat, then stared back at me. Dead eyes watching. I followed her. And as I sat down in the seat and did my belt back up with shaking hands, I suddenly felt like a little boy on his first day of school. Terrified and out of my depth. The feeling was reinforced when the flight attendant opened my tray table and placed a plastic cup in front of me. The liquid inside was the colour of Ribena. "Here sir, drink this. Itll help you relax. And make sure you watch the video. She straightened up and walked away without saying anything else. But when she reached the blue curtain, she stopped and turned back. Id been staring after her, but as soon as her eyes met mine I looked down. My cheeks were hot with fear, my hands sweaty. I scooped my headphones up from where they'd fallen below my seat, and put one in. When I glanced back up again a few seconds later, the flight attendant had gone. No static buzzing in my ear now. Only silence. No crackling grey screen, either. As I stared ahead, my mind blank with shock and fear, I was greeted by a large picture of a plane on a runway. Passengers filed on, their faces just as blank and empty as the attendants had been. A big, purple button on the screen said: TAP TO START SAFETY VIDEO. I lifted my finger and tried to stop my hand from shaking. All that happened about three hours ago. Three long hours. Ive spent some of that time pretending to sleep, and the rest writing all this down on my phone. For now, at least, we still have the internet. I dont think we will for much longer. I never watched the safety video. Never drank that purple shit, either. I took the cup and trickled it onto the carpet below my feet, bit by bit, when I was sure the flight attendant wasnt watching. She has been watching, too. Shes come to check on me a few times now. The first time I saw the blue curtain at the head of the aisle rustling out of the corner of my eye, and I made sure to keep my eyes fixed straight ahead. That was about five minutes after shed left me with my newly repaired screen, and I figured shed still expect me to be watching the flight safety video. The next time was about half an hour later. Despite how terrified I was by then, I managed to force myself to keep my eyes closed and lie back against the headrest. Feign sleep. It seemed to satisfy her, too, because she didnt come any closer. When I cracked my eyes open again — after making sure to count slowly to 60 in my head — she was gone.  Since then Ive kept one eye on the blue curtain the whole time, even when Ive been writing this. I kept one eye on it when I tried to wake my wife, too. When I tried to wake Rosie. I kept checking that fucking blue curtain even as I shook her, harder and harder, the terror in my chest threatening to mutate into full-blown panic.  The thing is, she won't wake up. I checked her neck and she still has a pulse, but it's faint. Faint and slow. I don't know if it was something in that fucking flight safety video that caused her to slip into this near-coma, or if they gave her some of that purple shit to drink while I was asleep. I guess it doesn't matter. All that matters is she's unconscious, and nothing I can do will make her open her eyes. I need to post this message now. I need to send it out in the vain hope someone can help me. I can't delay any longer. Any minute that blue curtain might rustle again, and this time I might not be quick enough to fool the attendant. I don't know what they'll do to me if they realise I'm still conscious, and I don't want to find out. There's only one more thing I need to tell you. One more crucial thing. It's the reason I know the internet won't be lasting much longer, and the reason that – if I'm honest with myself – I don't think we'll be landing anytime soon. It's something to do with the screen in front of me. Something I saw on it. You see the thing is, although I didn't watch the flight safety video, I did try to see what else I could find. There was a little home button in the screen's bottom-right corner, so small I almost missed it, and when I tapped that I was taken to a main menu. Movies, TV shows, music. All the stuff normal flights have. I ignored those icons, though, and tapped on the button that said FLIGHT MAP. It took me to a little 3D graphic of the globe, with a bright red line cutting across it. At the bottom was a countdown timer that said 17 months, three weeks, four days and 11 hours – a reading that I assumed, at first, to be an error. In the middle of the red line was the icon of a plane: our flight. When I first checked that map we were somewhere over Indonesia. Still on course for New Zealand. And when I used two fingers to drag the map – watching that red line jut over the Banda Sea, and on into Papua New Guinea – it still looked like we were following the right course. But then when I reached the Coral Sea, something happened. The line stopped. Or rather, I thought it had stopped. But then I used my fingers to rotate the map, and I realised it hadn't stopped after all; it had only changed direction. Instead of carrying on over the water, the line suddenly went up. Straight up. It cut up through a layer of blue, and then purple, and finally on into blackness – and no matter how much I scroll, or zoom the map out, I can't see where it ends.

Hahaha, my cats were dozing on the couch, and when the roar sound came on at 45:43, 2 of them jumped and the other one's tail poofed out, lmao. Nice job dr banner, your filmic testimony deserves far much better acknowledgement. So-called committees' d-bags in the hill do not give a S about sufferings. What particularly catches my mind is that your film revitalizes the tragedy. I enjoyed the The Report starring Mr. Driver this year, and I hope these types of film including Dark Waters keep audiences to be informed.

"Dark Waters" is without a doubt a touching and truth opening movie that shows a more than three decades legal struggle and fight against corporate greed and water and product pollution. Covering a time period from the late 80's to mid to late 2000's the film is timely and a long journey to show the affects of common people's lives. It involves Robert Bilott(in a fine turn from Mark Ruffalo) a Cincinnati, Ohio corporate defense attorney who after being contacted by a family member of his old hometown of Parkersburg, West Virginia to go check on strange problems that a local farmer is having it's like all of his cows are dying! Upon investigation and viewing of dead cattle parts and looking at the local water it's clear that pollution is the norm.
One by one the locals become affected with various and deadly health problems like cancer and the drama that starts to unfold is tense as Robert chooses morality over loyalty and decides to defend the people in a lawsuit against the giant chemical company named "DuPont" as thru later research and reports and some sharp investigative work it's clear the chemical giant has a big history of pollution. Wow what about a big cover up as these crimes have crippled many ever day people. Most shocking was the discovery of the traces of the toxic chemical Teflon which started in many day to day household products only to now be present in most everyone's body.
Along the way the drama and stress that unfolds takes a toll on Robert only his supporting love and need to live is found in family as his trophy wife Sarah Bilott(the sexy Anne Hathaway) is the strong and leading captain of the family ship. This movie was well done as it showed how dirty and corrupt that society can be as corporate greed and harmful corruption must be discovered and fought. Really "Dark Waters" is a very direct and truthful moral justice seeking film.

Watch full dark waters game. Watch Full dark waters. Health Risks of Teflon Contamination Across Globe. No that would be around a Globe, the correct term is Across this Plane. Watch full dark watership down. Watch full dark waters movies. Watch full dark waters lyrics. Apparently Jeremy has never seen A Civil Action. Go home watch it. Edward Norton best Hulk. Watch full dark waters season. Hey first comment and this is a good storie.

Watch Full Dark. Watch full dark waters song. 1.1K Star Wars fanboys disliked this. Watch full dark waters 2. This year I went to see 192 different movies in theaters, plus one rewatch. That's up from 162 in 2018, 140 in 2017, 9 in 2016, and 5 in 2015. I usually go 3 or 4 times per week, mostly on weekends. I keep track of dates/theaters/movies/ratings for fun and save all of the stubs. My ratings are what I give the movie right after seeing it, with no real 'checklist' or anything, mostly just initial thought/enjoyment/opinion. It's not meant to be taken super seriously, I'm not a professional reviewer. This is my full ranking for the year, from favorite to least-favorite, with a few small reviews/thoughts thrown in: Monos - 10/10 - Hands-down my favorite movie of the year and honestly high on my all-time list. It's Apocalypse Now meets Lord of the Flies, with some Beasts of No Nation thrown in. It builds a unique, lived-in world that's believable and brutal. Beautifully-filmed, some of the best shots of the year (the ending shot gets seared in your mind. Modern and grounded look at a militia/cartel fighting against an unnamed enemy in a Colombian jungle. It almost feels post-apocalyptic instead of 'cartel vs government' which I really loved. You get to imagine your own backstory as the story unfolds. Unforgiving and gut-wrenching, but hopeful too. Got a lot out of its cast. Can't recommend this movie enough. Really disappointed this didn't make the Best Foreign Language Film shortlist. "Masterpiece" gets thrown around a lot, but in my mind this is the only one this year. Marriage Story - 10/10 The Farewell - 10/10 Journey to a Mother's Room - 9/10 - Biggest surprise of the year, came out of nowhere. Deeply-personal story between a mother & daughter. It's very basic on the surface, and there's not much story (you start at Point A, and end at Point A) but it's the most emotional movie of the year. If you don't cry at least 3 times during this, you're probably not human. It's all about the unbreakable connection you have to your parent(s) from the day you're born until the day you die. It only takes place over the course of a few months, but feels like lifetimes. Beautiful little movie about separation, loss, and human connection. Waves - 9/10 - I could write 20 pages on how much I loved this movie. To keep it short, it's got a perfect soundtrack, perfect setting, awards-worthy performances (from Kelvin Harrison Jr., Sterling K. Brown, and Taylor Russell. Visceral story that grips you from the first minute and doesn't let go until the closing shot. Unique use of colors and aspect-ratio. It takes a huge risk structurally that pays off. It's also the only movie I went to see twice this year. Really worth it too, picked up on a lot of stuff on the second viewing. Would've went a third time if theaters kept it playing longer. Every tiny decision/action has a huge impact. Just watch this. Last Black Man In San Francisco - 9/10 Birds of Passage - 9/10 Apollo 11 - 9/10 - The best documentary of the year. Probably the best editing (and use of sound) I've ever seen/heard in a documentary. It's unique because they don't use interviews like most documentaries do, it's real sound the whole through. Impressive use of archival footage/audio. Uncut Gems - 9/10 - This movie wasn't on the Best Original Score shortlist for the 2020 Oscars. This aggression will not stand. The Mustang - 9/10 Wild Rose - 9/10 - If this doesn't win the Oscar for Best Original Song ( Glasgow. I've lost all faith in the Academy. The ending concert scene had me crying like a baby. Jessie Buckley is gonna be big. Best music-drama since A Star Is Born. Transit - 9/10 Ad Astra - 9/10 - Top-notch acting, great atmosphere, world-building, existentialism, beautiful VFX, engaging score. Best opening scene of the year. Thoughtful commentary on modern society all wrapped in a Heart of Darkness blanket. If you're into space/exploration movies, then I recommend this. Surprised at the backlash this movie has gotten on r/movies. The Report - 9/10 - This was a really good year for legal-thrillers and The Report was the cream of the crop. Tight, Sorkin-like script with top performances from Adam Driver & Annette Bening. Could change a lot of minds about the war on terror and use of torture. Parasite - 9/10 Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - 9/10 Midnight Traveler - 9/10 - If you feel like life is unfair and the odds are stacked against you, watch this movie. It puts everything in a different perspective. Every problem you have is going to seem minuscule compared to what this family went through. It's eye-opening and should fill you with anger. Luce - 9/10 - It's Kelvin Harrison Jr's world and we're just living in it. The Irishman - 8/10 Mickey and the Bear - 8/10 - Camila Morrone puts in the best breakout performance of the year. PTSD, drug-addiction, alcoholism, rural Montana, toxic relationships, James Badge Dale, following your dreams. What's not to love? The Art of Self Defense - 8/10 - The best dark-comedy of the year. So many great one liners. It's like Yorgos Lanthimos directing Death of Stalin, set in a karate studio. Surprisingly violent and depressing, but in all the right ways. Jesse Eisenberg's best movie Social Network? Peanut Butter Falcon - 8/10. Am I going to die. We all do, it's only a matter of time, now stop being a little bitch. Favorite line of the year, really stuck with me. Everybody Knows - 8/10 Mary Magdalene - 8/10 Knives Out - 8/10 - Well-crafted whoddunit with an ensemble cast. Just a genuinely fun time at the movies. Ana de Armas with well-deserved leading role for once. A few of the characters are a tad bit unrealistic (and basically caricatures) but the movie doesn't take itself seriously enough for that to be a problem. Daniel Craig hamming it up with a Southern accent was fun. Old school film with a modern twist. The Lighthouse - 8/10 The Dead Don't Die - 8/10 - This movie really isn't for everyone, but I loved the dry humor and purposefully-bad chemistry/dialogue. The line delivery was off-putting but hilarious. Everything is extremely on-the-nose and it works. I could watch 10 hours of Tom Waits talking to himself. Us - 8/10 Villains - 8/10 Ford v Ferrari - 8/10 Midsommar - 8/10 Jojo Rabbit - 8/10 Official Secrets - 8/10 - Keira Knightley with one of the most underrated performances of the year. Another really good legal/political-thriller that exposes the dark side of government bureaucracy. Pain & Glory - 8/10 John Wick 3: Parabellum - 8/10 Queen & Slim - 8/10 Amazing Grace - 8/10 - Great concert-documentary. Some of Aretha Franklin's performances in this should give you insane chills. I actually had this one rated higher right after watching it, but then looked up some of the people shown on screen and it turns out some were real pieces of shit, while preaching to people like hypocrits. Felt gross and took a lot of the magic out. One of my few revised scores this year. A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - 8/10 Joker - 8/10 Non-Fiction - 8/10 - It's very French (talky and sexual) and the writing seems impressed with itself, but it's a good adult-drama that surprised me. I'm a big fan of Olivier Assayas and this is some of his best work. Rocketman - 8/10 Stan & Ollie - 8/10 Hustlers - 8/10 Avengers Endgame - 8/10 Doctor Sleep - 8/10 - It gets bloated and probably needed to be 20-30 minutes shorter (there's a shit ton of side-characters) but it was a worthwhile sequel to The Shining. Didn't feel like a cash grab and carries its own weight. Booksmart - 8/10 Little Monsters - 8/10 - I'd recommend watching this based just on Josh Gad's character. So over-the-top and hilarious. When he starts chugging hand sanitizer might be the most I laughed in a theater this year. Also Lupita Nyong'o playing & singing on the ukulele to a bunch of kids is exactly what I needed in my life. Cute zombie-comedy with a ton of heart. Spider-Man: Far From Home - 8/10 A Hidden Life - 8/10 - If there's a song from this year (or this decade even) that I'd want played at my funeral, it's James Newton Howard's theme from this movie. It's so beautiful and perfectly captures the feel of the movie. That song broke me down every time it played. I can't imagine this movie without it, it's that good. It's a shame this movie is getting ignored this awards season. Never Look Away - 8/10 Toy Story 4 - 8/10 Pavarotti - 8/10 The Biggest Little Farm - 8/10 - If you're really into the inner-workings of a Californian farm, then this is the documentary for you. Abominable - 8/10 The Current War - 7/10 Artic - 7/10 - Well made, solidly-acted. I loved the small details about survival that this movie brings up, makes it very grounded and realistic. I'm kinda bored of survival movies in general so this didn't blow my mind or anything. Bombshell - 7/10 Honey Boy - 7/10 - Pretty big letdown because I had really high expectations for this one. Lacked the emotional punch I hoped for. Didn't land for me at all, kind of like Boy Erased last year. I appreciate how honest and revealing it was, took a lot of guts for Shia LaBeouf to put this out there but it's forgettable. Lucas Hedges' Shia impression was reallllly on point though, that was worth the price of admission right there. Mid90s last year was a 10/10 for me and I expected the same for this. It was good, not great. American Woman - 7/10 - Sienna Miller's performance in this is awards-worthy. The accent she does is perfect and it might be the most underrated role of the year. The movie gets way too tearjerky at the end though. It's basically 2 hours of bad shit happening to a good person, which gets a bit overwhelming. The Beach Bum - 7/10 Captain Marvel - 7/10 Spies In Disguise - 7/10 - Looked pretty generic based on the trailer, but was actually pretty funny. Cold Pursuit - 7/10 Tolkien - 7/10 - Not much happens but it felt really comfortable. Solid performances all around and they handled the WW1 scenes better than I thought they would. Expected to be bored out of my mind based on the reviews and trailer but it flowed well. As far as "Nicholas Hoult Biopics of Famous Writers" go, it's miles ahead of Rebel in the Rye 2 years ago. Jumanji: The Next Level - 7/10 Sauvage/Wild - 7/10 Detective Pikachu - 7/10 Maiden - 7/10 Dark Waters - 7/10. Good performances and an okay script, even though it beats you over the head sometimes. Total waste of Anne Hathaway. She's way too good of an actress for a boring, generic, supporting wife' role with just a few lines. Not even sure why she was in this. Overall, a solid legal-thriller, which is a genre I really enjoy and I've been missing since its late-90s heyday. Pretty crazy story too, scummy and evil corporate greed is always interesting to explore on film (like The Insider. Should've been 20 minutes shorter and less on-the-nose Adopt A Highway - 7/10 The Wedding Guest - 7/10 The Hummingbird Project - 7/10 Motherless Brooklyn - 7/10 The Lion King - 7/10 Last Christmas - 7/10 - It's really easy to bash this movie, a lot of the humor falls flat and the twist is ridiculous, but I couldn't help walking out with a smile. I love how committed Emilia Clarke was to the character, and her interactions with her boss and family were legitimately heart-warming at times. Also did I mention how ridiculous that twist is? Richard Jewell - 7/10 - This was decent. Even though it's clearly Clint Eastwood's personal crusade (and thinly-veiled propaganda piece in some regards) against the FBI & the Spooky Media, it still told the story effectively/semi-believably. Some of the characters (Hamm/Wilde obviously) were pretty ridiculous caricatures though, was hard to take anything they said seriously, I mean come on. You just roll your eyes at most of what they say. Some of the situations and encounters are too-conveniently set-up but that's easy to overlook. It had very solid performances (Hauser was great, especially when he finally let's his emotion show, in that scene where he kicks the table. Much better than The Mule, and 20x better than 15:17 To Paris. Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker - 7/10 21 Bridges - 7/10 Before You Know It - 7/10 Hobbs & Shaw - 7/10 - This is peak "Stupid Summer Popcorn Movie" and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's The Meg of 2019. Fighting With My Family - 7/10 Pet Sematary - 7/10 Downton Abbey - 7/10 - Never saw a single episode of the show before watching the movie, but it still felt familiar/safe to jump right in. Yesterday - 7/10 Greta - 7/10 - It's a cheesy, predictable, non-scary horror film but I liked it. Sometimes you just need Isabelle Hupert to play a psychopathic serial killer. Felt very old-school, a movie straight out of the 1980s. Judy - 7/10 - It's the definition of Oscar bait and is emotionally manipulative, especially towards the end, but it does a great job at humanizing a Hollywood legend. Frozen 2 - 7/10 Aladdin - 7/10 The Souvenir - 7/10 Zombieland 2: Double Tap - 7/10 - Nowhere near as memorable/iconic as the first one, but it still got a bunch of laughs from me (especially the Thomas Middleditch/Luke Wilson scene. Above-average for a comedy-sequel, but I could see this one not aging well. The Two Popes - 6/10 - Two solid performances but underwhelming overall, too many cheap-looking flashback scenes, not enough Pryce/Hopkins. Reminded me of Can You Ever Forgive Me? last year, depending on the 2 leads to carry a weak movie/premise on their back, to disappointing results. Highly-overrated movie. Ready Or Not - 6/10 Anna - 6/10 - It's basically Red Sparrow but slightly worse. Saint Frances - 6/10 Hotel Mumbai - 6/10 Shazam. 6/10 - Low-stakes, formulaic, superhero movie clearly made with strict budget limitations. It hits all the notes you'd expect a movie like this to hit. It was decent. Alita: Battle Angel - 6/10 Loro - 6/10 - One of the more disappointing movies of the year. On paper it sounds amazing, a sprawling biopic of an infamous/corrupt Italian politician/mogul by Paolo Sorrentino who's not that far removed from a masterpiece? Sign me the fuck up. But nah, this was a shallow, surface-level (like my reviews) pointless dull knife of a biopic. Too much shoehorned religious imagery too. Tone is all over the place. It can't decide whether it's serious or funny and gets lost in-between. It looked nice at least. It also wins this year's "Most Nudity" award, easily beating the rest of the field. Teen Spirit - 6/10 The Upside - 6/10 Gloria Bell - 6/10 - Great performance from Julianne Moore but this just felt like "Middle-Aged Crisis: The Movie. Just couldn't connect to it. I imagine the original is a lot better. On The Basis Of Sex - 6/10 Stockholm - 6/10 Give Me Liberty - 6/10 - This is an example of a movie that has its heart in the right place but bites off a lot more than it can chew. There's a beautiful, emotional story in here somewhere, but it's too muddled with ineffective editing tricks and too many side-stories. It's sweet in some ways and the true-life characters bring a lot of charm, but it didn't do that much for me. A lot of 'year-end' lists have this as one of the most overlooked movies of the year, but I don't see it. Rough editing, bad soundtrack. Child's Play - 6/10 Good Boys - 6/10 - Just watch Booksmart instead. Styx - 6/10 Woman at War - 6/10 The Lego Movie 2 - 6/10 Missing Link - 6/10 Long Shot - 6/10 - The chemistry between Charlize Theron & Seth Rogen was great but the jokes couldn't really match it. It's a unique mix of politics & humor, but fell short of being an actual crowd-pleaser. Echo in the Canyon - 6/10 Cyrano, My Love - 6/10 Dora the Explorer - 6/10 Brittany Runs A Marathon - 6/10 IT: Chapter 2 - 6/10 - Way too long. Felt like a never-ending series of fetch-quests. Good CGI & acting though. Mister America - 6/10 Crawl - 6/10 Trial By Fire - 6/10 - Great performances by Laura Dern & Jack O'Connell get overshadowed by an overly-preacy script. It doesn't let the audience make up its own mind. The Third Wife - 6/10 Godzilla: King of Monsters - 5/10 - This needed less humans, more monsters. Glass - 5/10 Escape Room - 5/10 Terminator: Dark Fate - 5/10 Dumbo - 5/10 All Is True - 5/10 Brightburn - 5/10 The White Crow - 5/10 - One of those biopics where the movie doesn't do justice to the story. Reading the Wikipedia page on this guy's life, you'd except an Oscar contender. Instead it was just okay. Watch Cold War instead. It's basically this movie but better. High Life - 5/10 - Unpleasant. Where'd You Go Bernadette. 5/10 Scary Stories to Tell Dark - 5/10 Her Smell - 5/10 - This movie made me physically nauseous. The tight, claustrophobic, haze-filled shots in the first 2 acts really threw me off. It's temporarily redeemed by a reallllllly good third act and a solid performance from Elisabeth Moss. But then deflated by a terrible final scene. By the Grace of God - 5/10 - Based on the critical acclaim, director, and subject matter, I walked in expected to be blown away. Basically expected Spotlight, but this movie completely derails at the halfway point. Hard to sit through. Blinded by the Light - 5/10 The Best of Enemies - 5/10 The Aeronauts - 5/10 - This is mis-marketed as an intense survival story but it's really just a boring biopic with too many flashbacks. Fall of the American Empire - 5/10 Family - 5/10 The Goldfinch - 5/10 - It turns out an unfilmable novel really is unfilmbable, who would've thought? Shoutout to Jeffrey Wright & Finn Wolfhard for actually trying. Angel Has Fallen - 5/10 Gemini Man - 5/10 Late Night - 5/10 Black and Blue - 5/10 Diane - 5/10 - This was just depression-porn. Sometimes it works (Mungiu/Zvyagintsev) sometimes it doesn't (this movie. It's such a bummer. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone but Mary Kay Place's performance makes it watchable and engaging sometimes. Destroyer - 5/10 How To Train Your Dragon 3 - 5/10 Rafiki - 5/10 - I feel bad for this score because I get that this is a really important/significant movie for African Cinema, but I just couldn't get past the terrible acting, bad (like baaaaaad) dialogue, and lackluster story. Again, pretty big achievement that this got made and reached a global audience, but yeah, in a vacuum, it's undoubtedly a bad movie. Felt like an amateur movie on a shoestring budget. Captive State - 4/10 Wild Nights With Emily - 4/10 - This movie is what happens when someone asks the question "hey, what if we turned Emily Dickinson's life into an SNL skit. I get what they were going for, and Molly Shannon is great, but this was extremely unfunny and probably the longest 84-minute movie I've ever seen. Dark Pheonix - 4/10 The Addams Family - 4/10 Midway - 4/10 To Dust - 4/10 Rojo - 4/10 - The only memorable thing about this movie is that there was a power outage about 90 minutes in so they comped my ticket and gave me a free drink. So that was cool, I guess. The Kid Who Would Be King - 4/10 MIB: International - 4/10 The Kid - 4/10 - There's a 98% chance that this movie is some kind of tax write-off or money laundering scheme. It somehow got 2 big names (Pratt & Hawke) co-starring the son of the producer in his first movie ever. Directed by Vincent D'Onofrio for some reason. Was dumped by Lionsgate in a few hundred theaters with 0 marketing/promotion, and flopped hard. It's dated, boring, and unoriginal. Cheesy dialogue. Literally a story that's been told a million times before, usually in much better ways. No reason for this to exist. Chris Pratt has the worst fake-movie-beard of all time in this, that's kinda worth checking out. Ramen Shop - 4/10 The Good Liar - 4/10 - The most convoluted, needlessly-complicated plot of the year. Helen Mirren & Ian McKellen both phone it in (I don't blame them, they were given trash to work with. I hate when movies try to crowbar "WW2 flashbacks" into their movies when it's not needed. Climax - 4/10 Harriet - 4/10 Lucy in the Sky - 4/10 - Once or twice a year, a movie comes along that has such a frustrating/stupid/anti-climactic ending it makes me actually angry. This is that movie. Natalie Portman had another movie like that last year (Vox Lux. Hey Noah Hawley, what the fuck? Freaks - 4/10 - This movie would fit well in the "Good Idea But Bad Execution" subreddit. Tel Aviv On Fire - 4/10 Ma - 4/10 Frankie - 3/10 Stuber - 3/10 Serenity - 3/10 - In a year full of batshit-crazy twists (looking at you, Last Christmas) this easily had the batshit-iest twist. It's something you actually have to experience yourself, and be fully-immersed in it, to appreciate how mind-numblingly crazy it is. How they got A-list talent for this script is a total mystery, but it probably involves of a lot of favors and cocaine. It's almost "so bad its good. Almost. I can't wait for the sequel, Free Guy, next year. Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil - 3/10 - More genocide than I expected for a live-action Disney fairy tale movie. Donnybrook - 3/10 The Photograph - 3/10 - Zzzzzzzzzz. Charlie's Angels - 3/10 Hellboy - 3/10 - This movie is like that annoying kid in middle school that tries way to hard to be edgy. It's gory and vulgar just for the sake of being gory & vulgar. It reminded me of the Predator reboot last year, had the same kind of dated/forced humor that seems to have no real target audience (except for the aforementioned middle school edgy kid I guess. Bad CGI and a boring villain. iirc it also had a lame sequel-bait ending which I hate. Happy Death Day 2U - 3/10 - The Sun Is Also A Star - 3/10 - It's filmed like a generic music video and has the emotional depth of a puddle. Don't Let Go - 3/10 The Invisibles - 3/10 Playing with Fire - 3/10 - This was just like Mark Wahlberg's Instant Family last year, except that it was worse in every imaginable way. No lie, the end-credits bloopers were by far better than anything else in the movie. It was the only time I even chuckled or felt any type of emotion. Cats - 2/10 - There's not much more I could say that already hasn't been said. Yes, it was bad. No, it wasn't the worst movie in history. For me, it was just so boring. Forgettable songs (except Beautiful Ghosts) no story/plot, nonsensical ending. Just wanted it to end. Jennifer Hudson just floating into space for no reason, Judi Dench giving me unwarranted lessons about raising cats, Ian McKellen slurping milk from a bowl, Extremely-Hairy-And-Naked-Idris-Elba, Cockroach Genocide, etc. These things all happened and we can't change them, and for us to grow as a society, we need to just move on and learn from our mistakes. Rambo: Last Blood - 2/10 The Sound of Silence - 2/10 - More like The Sound of Boredom, amirite? No but seriously, that's all I got. This movie was the closest I got to falling asleep in my seat this year. Synonyms - 2/10 Black Christmas - 2/10 - Extremely cheesy dialogue, cop-out violence, boring/predictable jump scares, low production value (bad even for a low-end Blumhouse movie) some of the worst one-liners you've ever heard, unrealistic/2D characters. Shitty ending. Wayyyyy too heavy-handed with the message. About as subtle as a flying brick to the forehead. Amateur acting, cutaway for every death, etc etc. After the Wedding - 2/10 - Overacted, muddled garbage. 47 Meters Down Uncaged - 1/10 Shaft - 1/10 - Crude, unfunny, soulless, grating, pointless. There's a million adjectives I could use to describe this reboot, and none of them are positive. This is one I'm surprised I didn't just walk out of. Probably didn't have anything better do do that day. Jexi - 1/10 - This year's worst movie. It's just the kind of movie that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, like you need to watch something else to get the stink of this one out of your mind. It was just so mean-spirited, from start to finish. Not a single joke landed, you just hated all of the characters. There are no redeeming factors. On the technical side, it was very basic, looked like a cheap music video. No memorable scenes, no good lines of dialogue, no originality in any way. None of the "cheerful" pick-me-up" moments earn any kind of emotional reaction. If you had a freshman high-school film student remake Her as a shitty comedy, this would be it. The fact that I paid money to see this is something I will never live down. Movies that I saw outside of theaters, not included in the list: The King - 8/10 - Netflix Paddleton - 8/10 - Netflix El Camino: A Breaking Bad Story - 8/10 - Netflix High Flying Bird - 7/10 - Netflix Dolemite Is My Name - 7/10 - Netflix Triple Frontier - 6/10 - Netflix The Boy Who Harnessed Wind - 6/10 - Netflix The Laundromat - 5/10 - Netflix The Highwaymen - 5/10 - Netflix Velvet Buzzsaw - 4/10 - Netflix Bird Box - 4/10 - Netflix Six Underground - 2/10 - Netflix Movies that I saw in theaters in 2019, but are not included in the list due to original release date: If Beale Street Could Talk - 9/10 Cold War - 9/10 Capernaum - 9/10 Mary Poppins Returns - 7/10 The Charmer - 6/10 Movies that I haven't seen yet but will see in the next few weeks: Little Women 1917 In Fabric Tremors Just Mercy Midnight Family A Million Little Pieces The Earthquake Bird American Son Portrait of A Lady On Fire Clemency Beanpole The Kingmaker The Song of Names Here is the distribution of theater visits by day of the week: Throughout the year, I've gone to 13 different theaters. 9 at major chains, and 4 at indie theaters. Here's the distribution of visits by theater: Here is the distribution of theater visits by month: Other: The longest stretch I went without going to the movies was from July 21st thru August 20th, without a single trip to the movies. Partially due to an out-of-country trip and personal stuff. During this time I "missed out" on The Kitchen, The Nightingale, Brian Banks, and Honeyland. Mostly caught up to the rest. The most theater visits in a one-week span was November 1st thru November 8th, with 8 movies that week. The most in one day was 3 movies in theaters on March 15th, 2019 ( Styx, To Dust, and Captive State. There were 26 double-headers this year (two movies in theaters during the same day, usually back-to-back. Solid year, not as many surprises as 2018 though. Going to try to break 200 in 2020. Here is last year's ranking.

Hi, phriends. Summer Tour is on the horizon and many of us are making plans, booking flights, reserving RVs, budgeting for shows, and so on. Many of us will be going to the Gorge for the three day run this year. The Gorge is an amazing venue with an equally amazing history (seriously, if you have't read up on the geologic history of the place, give it a look because you will look at the venue in a whole new light. However, it is also a very unique venue. Fifteen minutes from the nearest town. Fourty-five minutes from the nearest city. Ninety minutes from the nearest place recognizable as a city. Two hours and change from the nearest large city. It's high desert. It gets hot and cold in the same day. In order to help people with questions like "where should I fly into. what do I need to bring. do I need to rent a car. and the gamut of other concerns, I've made the Phishhikers Guide to the Gorge as a reference for everyone. Hopefully some of my experiences since 2013 can help you! I will be updating this as I remember things I left out or people suggest their own tips. But before we start, let me be extra clear about one thing related to safety: Whatever you do, be super careful while smoking or using flames while at the Gorge or on the drive out. The night before the 2018 run was marked by a massive wildfire on I-90 that rerouted all traffic on surface streets around it. Use ash trays, do not flick your ash carelessly, extinguish roaches and cigarette butts with water, etc. Be responsible about this. Also be careful if you pull off to the side of the road as your vehicles catalytic converter is hot enough to start a wildfire if dry grass is touching or too close to the bottom of your vehicle! It is no joke. The vegetation within an hour of the venue will be bone-fucking-dry and will catch fire very easily. You could legitimately cancel the whole run for everyone if you're not careful. And I swear that Carini will find you if that happens. This also means no fireworks. For those that are unfamiliar with wildfires, let me share some somewhat disturbing facts to help you appreciate them: Wildfires move at the speed of wind, which is much faster than you can run They also can change direction unexpectedly with the wind The campground is not fireproof and one of the issues with a nearby wildfire is that floating embers often get airborne and could easily start tent fires in the middle of the campground Evacuating the campground and venue would take a lot of time, even if everyone was already in their cars There is enough dry vegetation and the right windy conditions around the Gorge to start a major wildfire that nearby fire assets would struggle or be completely unable to contain in the first several hours You dont die from burning alive in a wildfire, you die because your lung tissue needs to be wet to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide across the tissue barrier. Getting caught in a wildfire means your lungs char in the heat and you actually suffocate to death while you are burning alive. In 2018, when we were pulling into the campground and looking at the west bank of the Columbia with the fire, it looked like something out of a war movie with the whole horizon on fire and glowing orange (that picture is from the road leading from I-90 to the campground looking west over the river the Thursday night before the 2018 shows. BE FUCKING CAREFUL! Sorry for being a bit graphic and intense about that, but this is a legitimate safety concern. After the I-90 fire in 2018 and the random little wildfires in 2013, I figure it is worth reiterating. Maps This is a map of the Gorge venue and campground outlining the basic areas: day parking, various levels of camping, the venue itself, etc. NOTE: Generally, the smaller general camping circle is not used for Phish) This is an annotated map of the Gorge campground based on my experience in the last three years. This includes locations of portajohns, Shakedown Street, and the showers. I pointed out portajohns so you can recognize them in the satellite view of the campground. This is just a link to Google Maps centered on the venue in case you wanted to explore. Area Background The Gorge is pretty much the middle of nowhere (no offense to Grant County residents, but it kind of is. It is at about 1, 300 feet above sea level in the high desert. There are effectively no trees anywhere that man hasn't maintained them. It is sagebrush and dead grass as far as the eye can see. It is super dry and hot during the days. There aren't any clouds to hold in the heat at night so by 3AM, you'll be pretty damn cold. The venue is in the heart of Washington in the aforementioned Grant County. This is a rural area that is used to concert traffic, but the county is more known for being the highest producer of potatoes in the country. The nearest town has a McDonald's and two stoplights. Law enforcement consists of county sheriffs and state police. Fire trucks and ambulances are a good 20 minutes away, at best. The nearest big store like a Wal-Mart is 40 minutes away, northeast of the venue in Ephrata(but the one in Moses Lake another 10 minutes away down I-90 is probably better. You will need to bring pretty much everything you need. Climate The Gorge is located in high desert. This means that it is hot and dry during the day and cool and much less dry at night. Daytime is about 80-95 degrees and is usually sunny but sometimes can be cloudy towards the late afternoon. Humidity is 15-35. Nighttime is about 57-65 degrees and is usually clear. Humidity is 45-60. There is usually a bit of a breeze, but the wind picks up significantly, and reliably, every day during 11:30PM to 2:30AM, 7:30AM to 10:30AM, and 5:30PM to 8:30PM. Flying in to the Area There are several options for airports. To the east, there is Spokane. This is about 2 hr 15 min east of the venue down I-90. You can get here from a lot of airports Denver and west. There is also an option to get here from Chicago on United or from Minneapolis on Delta. To the south, there is the Tri-Cities airport. This is easily the closest airport to the venue, being only 1 hr 45 min away. There are a few flights here, but you will be able to fly here [from Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis, and SF. Washington) Airlines_and_destinations. To the west, we have several options. The farthest would be Portland, at 4. 5 hours. There are a lot of flights in and out of here and, considering Eugene is the tour opener, might be a good option. The next two options are in Seattle. Most people are familiar with SeaTac Intl Airport, at 2. 5 hours away. This has a ton of flights and you can get here from anywhere. This is a solid option. However, Seattle just opened a second airport for commercial service in Everett. There aren't many flights to Everett, but you can get there from Denver and a lot of west coast cities. You could also consider Bellingham or Vancouver(Canada) to fly into, but they don't make as much sense. To the north, there is nothing. Getting To the Venue By car The only real way to get to the venue is by car, so you will need your own car, a rental, or to find a ride. Most people will be driving in from the east or west on I-90. If you come from the east, Moses Lake is your last real town to stop in for anything more than ice or overpriced beer. If you come from the west, Ellensburg is your last stop before the venue, period. Both the Silica Rd and Quincy exits work for getting to the venue, but the Silica Rd one is closest for those coming from the west and the Quincy exit for those from the east. Some people may arrive via US-2/WA-28 from the north. For you, Wenatchee is your last real town to stop in. For those coming from the south/Eugene/PDX, you will either come up US-97 through Yakima and Ellensburg, where Ellensburg is your last real down, or up through Tri-Cities, where Tri-Cities are your last real place to stop for anything. I believe that the policy allowing you to drive in and out of the campground is still in effect, so you can also leave to pick up people or more beer. For those parking at the Gorge and staying elsewhere, there is day parking at the venue, but it is not free. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT IF YOU DRIVE THROUGH A NATIVE AMERICAN RESERVATION, STATE LAWS REGARDING MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION ARE NOT IN EFFECT THERE. YOU CAN BE ARRESTED BY TRIBAL POLICE FOR IT. A MAP OF TRIBAL LANDS CAN BE FOUND HERE. By public transit You can actually get surprisingly close to the venue just on public transit, though. A bus or Amtrak can be taken to Wenatchee or Ellensburg and then you can catch the Apple Line bus from there to the George or Quincy stops a few miles from the venue. You may be able to get a Lyft or something here, but you probably would need to find a ride from there or hoof it. I wouldn't advise this method, but if you have friends that can grab you on the way, this might work for you. Or you can get a ride to Ellensburg or Moses Lake on a bus and get a ride from there. Or maybe ride a bike the last little bit? Which brings me to. By bicycle I'm definitely not going to recommend this, but it is entirely feasible and legal to ride your bike to the venue. There is a rail trail from Seattle all the way to about Ellensburg. After that, it gets a little more difficult. It used to be you went across the rail bridge in Beverly to cross the river, but that's unsafe so you either have to contact Wanapum Dam to get permission to be walked across or find some way to make it across the shoulderless I-90 bridge. The bridge seems pretty dangerous, though. Yes, you are legally allowed to ride on I-90 for most of it's length, aside from areas listed in the applicable state laws(usually around Seattle. Again, I don't recommend this and might actually recommend against this, but it could be done. Be safe and take appropriate precautions if you do. You do this at your own risk. By boat Sorry, like the salmon, you're not getting upriver or downriver of those dams. Getting Around Most everyone will be doing a lot of walking. The venue, the campground, the venue's store, the path to the river that I'm-told-exists-but-haven't-quite-verified-yet-and-have-been-told-sucks-to-walk-down-anyways: all within walking distance. The paths are pretty dusty and rocky, so bring appropriate footwear. However, most of the campsites are on fairly soft grass. You could probably bring a bicycle to ride around if you wanted. There is that much space. There isnt anything on the campground website that says you cannot bring a bike and Im pretty sure Ive seen them before, but double check by contacting the venue before you go to I'm not sure if a skate/longboard would work, though. Make sure to take stock of any flags or light poles around your campsite and get really familiar with some landmarks because it can be really difficult to find your way back at night. Or, bring your own flag pole and flags. See There is so much to see. Literally spin around and point in a direction and there's something cool that way. Take a moment to read this for a primer on the area the venue is in. Natural Dry Falls State Park: this is the largest waterfall on earth, with over three miles of ledge for water to run off of. Unfortuantely, it has been dry for thousands of years. Still amazing to see. A bit far, though. Potholes Coulee: Not to be confused with Potholes State Park. This is a coulee where the ice age floods dug out some small ponds on the east short of the Columbia. Potholes State Park: a bit farther from the venue and pretty cool The Columbia River: yea, you can see it from the venue, but going down to it is different. Definitely worth seeing. the night sky: If you feel like taking a walk, there's fairly little light pollution in the area compared to most places. You can do some pretty solid stargazing. Ginkgo Petrified Forest: haven't been, but there is a petrified forest in Vantage that is ~15. 5 million years old. Moses Lake the actual lake: its a pretty sizeable lake/reservoir with some beaches Manmade There isn't much manmade stuff to see out here. There's a few dams(Wanapum and Grand Coulee spring to mind) and the Columbia Basin Project canals, but that's about it. Also, I'm pretty positive it is illegal to swim in the canals, so don't do that unless you've verified it is legal and safe to do so. However, if you are into planes, Boeing does run a flight facility in Moses Lake that sometimes sees test flights and currently is housing bunch of those 737-8 MAXs in storage until they arent grounded anymore. You can find more information on those here in this Google Doc that lists all the test flights. The Moses Lake airport code is MWH. Speaking of planes, the US Navy sometimes likes to give everyone a 9AM wakeup call by flying F/A-18 Hornets down the Gorge at low altitude. Its quite a fucking sight to see them zipping over the campground close enough to see the hardpoints on the underside of the wing as it banks away from the campground. Do Read the fucking book Seriously, if you haven't by now, an afternoon at the Gorge is a great time to read it. On/In the water There are numerous places to go down to the river north and south of the venue, including the supposed path from the venue to the river(just drive if you can. Up in Crescent Bar, you can rent kayaks, jetskis, whatever you want. There are also some public beaches there. Bring some inflatable tubes and enjoy yourself! Although, the river is way too wide and too slow for actual tubing. Plus, theres a dam downriver of the I-90 bridge, so be careful! There are a couple other places you can get to the river. Just give Google Maps satellite view a peek. Moses Lake the actual lake is also nearby and that's a pretty great place to go. Someone in one of the 2018 threads said they were chilling on the beach there and had pizza delivered to the beach they were on. On land There are tons of hiking and biking trails nearby. You can use WA Trail Association's trail finder map to find some. There are a couple wineries and orchards in the area, as well. I'm not sure what will be in season about then, but you can usually pick up produce at roadside stands. Prices may vary. At the campground There's the normal activities to do here: meet new people, people watch, drink, have fun, etc. A lot of people just relax around the campground. Buy Necessities For things like ice or beer, you can get them overpriced at the venue's store. Or you can run into Quincy or George. You have to go to Quincy or George if you need gas. For things like sunscreen, a tent, a growler refill, you will need to go to Ephrata, Moses Lake, or Ellensburg. If you need a growler refill, I can personally recommend Iron Horse Brewery in Ellensburg. Their Irish Death Ale will get you feeling nice and good, but it is dark and heavy. Shakedown Shakedown at the Gorge is awesome. Basically, it sets up in two legs that meet where the food trucks and larger shops are. You can find anything from a PB&J to a lot shirt to a new dab rig here. Bring cash for these purchases because its highly unlikely anyone takes credit cards. Activity on Shakedown usually peaks around 5-630PM before people start to head to the venue. Marijuana There are a lot of great pot shops in the state. However, the pickings get slim around the Gorge. Try and stop in a shop in a larger city or town on the way in or after you land. But, according to WeedMaps, there are a number of stores within 45 minutes of the venue. BUT REMEMBER MARIJUANA IS ILLEGAL ON TRIBAL LANDS. Food Options I typically bring most of my food as the options at the Gorge can be a bit pricy or nonexistant. Food Trucks Usually, it has been gyros, pizza, burgers, burritos, and that kind of stuff. Usually like five to seven food trucks. Also, if the churros are back, they're clutch as fuck for 2AM. Shakedown There's always people selling food here during the day. Pickings get slim after the show, though. Nearby There's a McD's, Westside Pizza, and some small places in Quincy but pretty much everything else is 45 minutes away. The Actual Show and Inside the Venue HERE is a map of the venue itself with important things marked out from my memory. If anyone knows anything I missed or if I got something wrong, let me know and I will update the map. Security and Getting In The security line starts filling up about an hour before the show and it can easily be a two-beer wait(read: 30 to 60 minutes) to get past security. All I will say about security is one time they got suspicious that I had a lighter and forgot my ciggs at my tent. Most of the time, they barely care that I have ciggs and a lighter. Please note that an unopened water bottle or an empty Nalgene are allowed in the show! AGAIN, BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHERE YOU SMOKE, FLICK YOUR ASH, AND DISPOSE OF YOUR CIGARETTE BUTTS AND JOINT ROACHES. Finding a spot to watch the show This is less about what is there and what you want. The venue is huge. I will say that if you are(all directions mentioned are if you are in the center of the lawn facing the stage) on the left side of the lawn, you will have a more direct view over the stage and down the Gorge towards Crescent Bar. If you are on the right side of the lawn, youll have a better view of the sunset over the wind farm on the ridge above the Gorge. If anyone has any definitive info on the pit in front of the stage, let me know. I have no experience with it. What to Bring Ill throw it out there that the grass is genuinely kept well enough that you probably could get by without a blanket if you usually bring one to sit on on the lawn. Theres a 99. 999% chance there will not be rain in the week before or during the run so theres no need to worry about mud and they clean it pretty well of trash. Sunglasses are probably good, but you wont need them for the second set and encore after the sun goes down. An unopened water bottle or an empty one(disposable or reusable) for water is always clutch. A headlamp for the portajohns in the 2nd set and encore would be really helpful because most of those portajohns are dark as hell after the sun goes down. Your boogie shoes. Refreshments Ive marked them on the map. Theyre pretty pricey like any concert venue. I cant really think of anything particularly worth mentioning about them. Bathrooms Marked them on the map as well. In the venue, theyre actually pretty well taken care of and look alright until second set. Maybe bring a headlamp because the lighting inside can be nonexistent in the second set. Camping/Lodging Options There are a couple different options here. Staying at the venue There are a few different levels of camping: Oasis: This is the five-star option. With like memory foam mattresses. Glamping: They have four glamping setups at the venue. Easy: Right next to the venue and they have a tent and sleeping bag all ready for you. Terrace: Basically one level above Premiere. Better grass, a picnic table, a little closer, and (I believe) better access in and out with your car. Gold: Never done this, but this is basically camping right next to the venue with bigger spots. Premier: Basically regular camping, but with slightly bigger spots, free showers, a shuttle to the venue(which is kind of unnecessary IMO) and security to keep out your new friends and the spunions. Standard: Regular old camping. Family/ADA: I haven't seen anything on the website aside from the map, but there's usually a quiet/family camping section somewhere. Maybe it is gone this year. Contact the venue if you're interested. Near the venue There are several options near the venue for camping or lodging. For more traditional hotels or Airbnb, you can look around Quincy, Ephrata, Ellensburg, and Moses Lake. For nearby camping options, the two big ones are Wildhorse and Sage Creek. I have no experience at either, but I have heard them both highly recommended. They run shuttles to and from the venue so you can still come back and party with friends at the main campground and then go back to your relative peace and quiet at your campground after. Generally, I hear people talk about these as alternatives to premiere camping for those that like the show but are kind of past being woken up by intoxicated people outside their tents making noise at 4AM. Camping Gear A lot of this is the standard fare: tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, etc. Definitely try to bring a shade tent or at least a tarp. If you need camping gear because you are flying in, you can rent via back40outfitters or REI. Sample Daily Schedule This is a general idea of life at the Gorge: 4AM: Fall asleep 6AM: Wake up to the sun making things bright and roll over and go back to bed 9AM: Wake up to the heat and open the tent flap and go back to bed 10AM: Wake up because now its too hot even with the tent flap open 10-11AM: Recover from the night before 11AM-12PM: Figure out what to do today, maybe get a bite at the food trucks, smoke a bowl, have a little hair of the dog 12-3PM: Go down to the river, go into town, read a book, whatever 3-4PM: begin pregaming, maybe take a walk down Shakedown 4-5PM: start really pregaming, eat some food so not drinking on an empty stomach 5-6PM: pregame some more, maybe go down Shakedown again to see the partying 6-630PM: final checks for being ready and making sure we have everything, maybe more Shakedown 630-640PM: a little more pregaming 640-7PM: head over to the show 7-730PM: wait in security 730PM-8PM: find a beer, a spot, and wait for the show(7:30 show time so figure itll start at like 8) 8PM-1215AM: at the show 1225AM: start leaving 1225-1245AM: party on the way back 1245-115AM: regroup at campsite 115-230AM: walk around and meet people and have fun 230-245AM: late night munchies 245-330AM: more walking around 330-4AM: wind down at campsite and then pass out Staying Comfortable These are pro-tips for enjoying your time at the Gorge: bring lots of sunscreen bring sunglasses and probably a cheap pair or two of them for the shows a headlamp for the portapotties in the dark is a lifesaver bring some sort of shade because there is no shade at the campground beyond what you bring bring lots of water and actually drink lots of water a battery powered fan may be helpful bring a shade tent or a tarp to make your own shade have warm clothes for at night because it gets chilly and dewy watch out for the dew at night try and get a shower daily because the dust gets everywhere bring back up shoes bring and use wet wipes bring ear plugs to block out late night noise and maybe a sleeping mask to block out the early morning sunshine give yourself time to get to the venue because it is a bit of a walk and kind of on the slow side with everyone jammed into the walkway and security can take almost an hour sometimes the lighting towers typically dont shut off until like 3:30-5AM, so be aware of that when youre pulling in for a spot. Staff may not let you move, but they may let you choose a spot farther away from the lighting. Or maybe you want to be there so everyone knows how to get back to your spot in the early morning also, if youre planning to be out late, be aware the lighting towers shut off around 3:30-5AM if youre trying to navigate back to your campsite the portajohns are typically cleaned once a day at around noon, although I think they might clean them again while the show is going. I havent confirmed the second cleaning, though portajohns also usually have hand sanitizer but theres been a few times they run out, especially on the last night List of nice-to-have items USB battery pack Battery powered fan Solar charger(you will get all the sun your charger can handle) Shade tent/tarp Warm pajama pants for chilly nights Extra water(you might be surprised how quick it goes) First aid kit Sunburn gel/aloe A hat because sunglasses can only do so much Hand sanitizer Staying Safe First off: let me reiterate that EVERY SINGLE PERSON NEEDS TO BE MINDFUL OF WHERE YOU FLICK YOUR ASH AND DISPOSE OF JOINTS AND CIGARETTES. Also, this should be a fucking no-brainer, but Ive seen people doing this before in the area of the venue at that time of year: DONT SET OFF FUCKING FIREWORKS AT THE VENUE. YOU WILL LIKELY START A WILDFIRE AND ARE ENDANGERING THE REST OF THE PEOPLE AT THE SHOW. Firework embers can cause a houses roof to catch fire. Catching dry brush on fire is far easier. Next: secure your tents and tarps. Coming back from the first show of the run is always funny because some phans didn't secure their tents thinking "Oh, well it's not windy now. and didn't realize that the wind picks up after the sun goes down in the second set and now their tent has blown kind of far away. BRING STURDY STAKES AND PLENTY OF THEM. This is why. You can lock stuff in your tent, but likely locking it in your car is safer. And be smart about it. Don't leave a nice laptop sitting on your passenger seat. I haven't heard much about theft at the Gorge, but don't chance it. Drink lotssss of water. It is high desert. Water evaporates more quickly at higher altitudes than at sea level. Even though we arent that high up, combine the altitude with the dry air and you can get parched pretty fast. I debated adding this part, but in wake of what happened in 2018: Remember that two people were assaulted in a hate crime at the 2018 shows. If you see someone clearly starting shit and that is only there to cause trouble, avoid them and maybe consider saying something to staff/security. We are all there to have fun. People that are there to cause physical harm to others or harass anyone are not welcome. Security, medical services, and the Grant County Sheriffs Department are on site to keep everyone safe and having fun. They will be out and about in the campground from time to time and will be at the venue itself. I think the only time Ive ever had an interaction with them was when a sheriffs deputy was walking the campgrounds and told my friend he couldnt hit the bong in full public view and to please go do that in his tent. I have typically seen an ambulance stationed on site for the weekend, but dont take that for granted. Another ambulance is probably 20-45 minutes away, at best. Any hospital is going to be 45 minutes away. And if you need serious medical treatment immediately, you might be getting med-evaced by a helicopter. It is that rural. Be safe. Cell phone service does work at the Gorge, but if it is an emergency and you dial 911, remember that you will likely be speaking with a state police operator elsewhere in the state. If you tell them you are at the Gorge, they may transfer you to a Grant County operator or continue taking the call. Getting Out Most all of you will be leaving the way you came. However, for those that are leaving early enough and feeling like they have enough energy to do some things, I have a few suggestions: Go tubing on the Yakima or Snoqualmie rivers: theyre a bit chilly at this point in the year still, but worth it. Yakima is closer but a bit more of a difficult river to tube. Only go tubing if you feel comfortable and conditions are safe. You do so at your own risk. Go for a hike: there are tons of hikes along I-90 in the Mt Baker-Snoqualmie Natl Forest. I recommend Snow Lake: theres a ton of switchbacks, but it is fucking worth it. If youre headed south, north, or east, there are also tons of hikes too. Down south, you can find some amazing hikes along the Columbia near The Dalles. Remember to observe proper hiking safety. Do some more camping: there are tons of great campground up and down the Columbia and pretty much everywhere you look. Dont just look at National Park and Forest campgrounds, though. There are county PUD campgrounds, state DNR campgrounds, state park campgrounds, private campgrounds, and all sorts of stuff. Check out Wenatchee: its a small city more known for apple orchards, but its pretty nice Check out Chelan: if you have some extra time and want to hit a real summer lake destination, Chelan is it. Its fucking gorgeous up there. Check out Leavenworth: this town is literally a slice of Bavarian alpine towns in WA. Its not October so no Oktoberfest, unfortunately, but it is a nice place. Check out Tolmie Peak: the view is "incredible, and all around, full 360, not just Mt. Rainier. Screenshot the map beforehand as there is no cell service and be prepared for swarms of mosquitos Photo of the view Drive through Idaho and dont stop: seriously, youre probably better off if you have to go through Idaho to just not stop if you dont have to. Idahos slogan is jokingly “Come on vacation, leave on probation”. Enough said. If you flicked a cigarette butt or joint roach and caught something on fire, youre probably getting out via the back seat of a police vehicle Head to Tahoe. Really, this is what we all want to be doing, isnt it? Q&A Below this reserved for editing in any questions people asked that I may have missed. EDIT: Hi, just wanted to say that I encourage donating to a charity, like Waterwheel Foundation or Doctors Without Borders, instead of gifting me Reddit silver or gold! That said, thank you to whoever gifted me silver! Thanks to the following for contributing: u/timefordameatstick /u/art_comma_yeah_right /u/kmmccorm.

9 customer reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. December 8, 2019 Format: Prime Video “Dark Waters” Distributed by Focus Features, 126 Minutes, Rated PG-13, Released November 22, 2019: Theres a scene in the 1976 political drama “All the Presidents Men” in which Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford as Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward need to request from a Library of Congress staff member every checkout slip processed in the past three years in one of the largest libraries in the world. “Im not sure you want ‘em, ” the sympathetic librarian tells them, “but I got ‘em. ” And in the next shot, the camera slowly pans upward to see the two reporters beginning to sift through tables and tables filled with hundreds of thousands of library checkout slips, in an attempt to find a single clue which will help them to solve the mystery behind the Watergate break-in. Theres a similar scene in “Dark Waters, ” the new fact-based legal thriller from Focus Features now playing in movie theaters across the United States. In the scene, the intrepid attorney played by actor Mark Ruffalo requests from the gigantic DuPort chemical conglomerate records of research material related to the manufacture of one specific compound. In reluctant compliance with the request- as well as an effort to discourage any future investigation by the government- DuPort sends the attorney dozens and dozens of packing crates filled with records. And with a sigh, Ruffalo as the attorney hunkers down in his law firms conference room to begin the Sisyphean task of examining the hundreds of thousands of documents, one by one. Both scenes are important to their pictures narratives, enormously revealing background touches in unusually engrossing movies. The purpose of the segments is plain- that any result, is desirable enough, is worth working for. If “Dark Waters” and 2000s “Erin Brockovich” were playing as a double feature at a drive-in theater, you might feel compelled to leave halfway through the second matter which picture played first. But sometimes surface resemblances can be misleading- while the two pictures have similarities and both are informative and richly entertaining movies, a major difference is that the older pictures conclusion is more because the events of “Dark Waters” are still playing out. Adapted by screenwriters Mario Correa and Matthew Michael Carnahan from writer Nathaniel Richs New York Times Magazine article “The Lawyer Who Became DuPonts Worst Nightmare, ” in “Dark Waters” a successful and upwardly mobile attorney for a prosperous corporate legal firm places his carefully-plotted career on hold to help a rural farmer pursue a complaint of a local refinerys waste water is poisoning his discovers that the case leads to the highest echelons of corporate America. If neither DuPont nor Teflon are among the sponsors for this years Academy Awards broadcast, dont be surprised to find Mark Ruffalos name among the Best Actor nominees for his role in “Dark Waters. ” Ruffalo is the rare performer who puts his money where his mouth is- a dedicated social activist as well as a gifted actor. When the actor combines the two pursuits, people tend to take notice: 2015s Academy Award-winning “Spotlight” is an example. In “Dark Waters, ” Ruffalo seems to be trying hard to blend into the ensemble- after adding a few pounds to portray the real-life Robert Bilott, the actor resembles Oliver Platt- but his talent, and his social conscience, shine through in every scene. “Dark Waters” is good, solid, smart motion picture entertainment. You have to work a little to keep up with the plot development- this is one picture for which your ninth grade chemistry will come in handy- and the pictures conclusion isnt completely reassuring. The ultimate message is as sobering and troubling as it is inspiring: ”THEY dont protect us- WE protect us. ” But if you think about it, thats what Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, and the other founding fathers were telling us all along. Supporting Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway disguised in a succession of unflattering black wigs is wasted in a nothing role as Ruffalos brittle wife, but the reliable old pro Bill Pullman has fun in a showy little role as a seasoned and wiley small-town country lawyer whos amused to find himself taking on big business for the first time in his career. And ubiquitous supporting player Bill Camp has the role of a lifetime, so persuasive as the crusty West Virginia rancher whose problems set the plot in motion that the viewer might well mistake him for the real deal. Directed by Todd Haynes, “Dark Waters” is earning superb reviews from the critics, including an approval rating of 97% from Rotten Tomatoes and 93% from Metacritic. The pictures been gaining momentum at the box office- originally placed into a limited release pattern in only five locations across the United States and Canada, the film expanded into 94 theaters during its second week and entered the Box Office Mojo charts in eighteenth place. Now playing in 2012 theaters across the US- about half the number as, say, “Frozen II”- the picture has risen to an impressive sixth place in the Box Office Mojo Top Ten. “Dark Waters” is rated PG-13 for some disturbing images, and strong language. December 6, 2019 Format: Prime Video This is what cinema should be, but very rarely is. a film that deepens our understanding of our world and our lives with drama, script and performances. In the end, it might even save our lives. Thank you, Mark Ruffalo, Todd Haynes, you did yourselves proud. December 6, 2019 Format: Prime Video "Dark Waters" 2019 release; 126 min. brings the story of Cincinnati lawyer Rob Bilott's long legal battle against DuPont. As the movie opens, it is "1975 Parkersburg, West Virginia" as we see several teenagers (one of them a young Bilott) go swimming in a lake that we later see being sprayed with chemicals. We then go to "1998 Cincinnati, Ohio" and Rob has just made partner at Taft, one of the large law firms in Cincinnati. Then a stranger shows up who is from Parkersburg and knows Rob's grandmother. The stranger, Wilbur Tennant, claims that chemicals have ruined his farm, he has the VHS tapes to prove it, and can Rob please represent him. At this point we're 10 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all turns out. Couple of comments: this is the latest movie from Todd Haynes, whose prior movie, the excellent "Carol" was coincidentally also filmed here in Cincinnati (where I live. But that is where the comparisons stop. Here, Haynes brings to the big screen the long battle that Bilott fought against chemical giant DuPont. The film starts a bit tentative in my opinion, but after the first half hour, the tension doesn't let up as DuPont is fighting with all of its might against Bilott. This movie is a labor of love for Mark Ruffalo, who stars and also co-produces. I've seen a lot of the films that Ruffalo has made in his career, and I don't know that he's ever been better, playing the almost mousy yet determined lawyer. Anne Hathaway seems underused as the supportive spouse but as the movie goes deeper, her role expands. The movie was filmed in early 2019 in and around Cincinnati, and the downtown area is featured extensively, including Fountain Square, the Queen City Club, the Hall of Mirrors at the Netherland Plaza, etc. The movie had a red carpet premiere here in Cincinnati a week before it got a limited release. This weekend it got a wide release, and the Friday early evening screening where I saw it at my art-house theater here in Cincinnati was attended okay (about 20 people. This movie will create strong word of mouth, and if it manages to pick up some award nominations (as it is expected) this could have a decent run in the theaters. If you are interested in a tense legal drama where Mark Ruffalo shines, I'd readily suggest you check this out, be it in the theater, on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray. December 10, 2019 Format: Prime Video This is a very important film about one lawyer's fight to protect the health of all Americans. It is a David and Goliath story about the power that is currently held by mega corporations, and how they stay above the law. Tim Robbins, Anne Hathaway, and Mark Ruffalo give stellar performances, and the screenplay keeps the viewer engrossed in the film until the end. We all need these films to help educate and inform us of what is really happening in the world right now. I highly recommend it, although the PG13 rating is a precaution for younger family members due to its mature theme. December 26, 2019 Format: Blu-ray I don't often give anything 5 stars. This movie fully earns every single one. The story is complex, but put forth in a way an average viewer can easily follow. It builds and builds in a gripping slow burn from beginning to end. It is firmly based upon, and is faithful to, a true story in which the deliberate actions of a few brought great harm to many. The story is both spellbinding and sickening, simultaneously. The writing, acting, directing, and cinematography are all superb. This is one of the best movies of 2019. December 27, 2019 Format: Blu-ray Dark Waters surpasses its genre designations to unfold a true story by showcasing a medley of great performances, punctuated by a visual palette that creates an appropriate tone and mood. Todd Haynes directs with a delicate sensibility and wondrously highlights the tension in the undercurrent of the film. A superb film all in all.

Ive been watching wrestling for quite some time, but this is the first Raw Ive been to — so lets just say I was paying really close attention to what was going on. I found many little bits of the experience completely fascinating, and I hope others will as well — so Im going to devote the next hour to typing out my observations, complete with pictures and videos where I can. I may have been using the phone a bit too much, but it was mainly during entrances and commercials. And either way, my loss is your gain. Yes, it snowed quite a bit — but there was really no question that the show would happen, and that the place would be packed. It snows here all the time, and people arent just going to throw away hundreds of dollars. Despite having over two million people in the area, there hasnt been a TV taping or live broadcast here in 10 years. I dont think its a very desirable market, because its probably difficult for them to do a “loop” here. There arent any other big cities within an easy driving distance. They do a house show every year or so at a smaller arena, but thats it. AEW is coming in a little over a month — must be a coincidence that Raw suddenly shows up, huh? At any rate, the crowd was incredibly pumped. It was really nuts how they reacted to just about everything. There was a lot of laughing and people just generally seemed like they were there to have a good time. The WWE Universe truly wouldve made Michael Cole proud. Id guess about 95 percent of the seats they made available were filled, as I could only see a few empty seats by the hard cameras and in the upper decks. There were tarps over the upper deck behind the hard cameras and behind the Wrestlemania sign, but I dont think those were even put up for sale. Im not sure what the deal was with the empty seats right around the hard cameras — I looked online beforehand, and there were zero seats available there. It made me wonder if that section wasnt for sale, and the people sitting there were VIPs or something. That whole side has a ton of equipment. There are fewer rows of seats on the floor, because of the huge row of sound boards and lighting boards and cases. Just to give you an idea of the mood in the arena, the crowd was popping for videos before the show even started. And let me tell you, theres a lot of videos. The ads and video packages never end. Cricket Wireless, Ride Along, Johnny Gargano, Wrestlemania, and on and on. The crowd loved all of it. Yes, even Cricket. Before getting into a report of the night, I want to say that the biggest thing I noticed was how much everyone plays to the hard camera side. Its something you dont really notice on TV, but everything is focused that way — not just the promos and the pinfalls. Obviously youve got the two hard cameras over there, but two camera guys were almost always sticking right around the ringposts closest to the hard cameras. It seemed like every move during the matches was directed towards that side — their positioning was always conscious of the cameras, even to the point of where theyd face when theyd land on the mat. Same goes for the ref, who was consistently on our side of the ring, so he wouldnt be blocking any of the shots. I caught a lot of moments where someone would appear to gaze off towards the crowd or towards the entrance, and theyd make sure to walk over and stand right by a camera when theyd do it. Its also a little odd when they play to the crowd, because the side they look to is the side with the least amount of people. You can really tell why WWE is so big on sending people through NXT. They have their own specific way of putting on a match for the cameras. It was really interesting to watch the camera guys. I guess Id always been under the impression that theyre running all over the place, but for the most part they were just rooted by those two posts. I also noticed them giving hand signals to the wrestlers a couple of times — like telling them to stay put, or to move closer. On to the show. Byron Saxton comes out for Main Event, alongside Mickie James. I dont watch the show, and didnt even know she did commentary. Neither were announced. Mickie danced a bit when she came out and when she left. It looked like Byron was making fun of her over at the announce table as they were settling in, because she was dancing over there too. The OC came out, and the crowd went crazy. Then came Ryder & Hawkins — the crowd went crazy again. They were cheering for pretty much everyone all night long. The OC won with the Magic Killer, and a ton of people stood up screaming and throwing up the “Too Sweet. ” Cedric Alexander beat Shelton Benjamin. Who did the crowd cheer for, you ask? Excellent question, Shelton. They cheered for both, but Cedric was over big time. They shared a handshake and a hug afterwards. You could tell they were doing far less than theyre capable of — I imagine you arent exactly allowed to do all your crazy moves in a match for Main Event. An interesting note: Theres a large digital clock under the hard cameras, accurate to the second. Its extremely visible, and Im sure its there for the people in the ring. The announcers come out to Jerry Lawlers music. Raw goes live. The crowd loses its shit. Orton makes his entrance. The boos seem really loud, and Im wondering how much it comes across on TV. Young Randall really milks the reactions. He must have been really pleased with how it went — Im not sure how that would have worked if the crowd was quiet. The camera got really close to his face when he was in the ring. I mean, less than six inches. Its kind of odd to see someone just staring off into space and pretending like they dont notice it. Lana comes out, and this is the first of many times when someone has to just stand in the ring for several minutes during a commercial break while video packages play. The number of video packages is really insane. I cant imagine how much that must hurt the mood of a crowd when they arent hyped about every single thing. Incidentally, the audio is really loud and very professional. For those who arent aware, WWE travels with its own lighting rig with speakers on it. Liv Morgans graphics come up, and almost immediately vanish and are replaced by Lanas. Oops. Quick “match, ” and it looked like Lana was faking an arm injury — but it was tough to see because so much of what theyre doing is directed towards the side with the hard cameras. Ruby comes out, and the crowd loses it. Theyre chanting her name and “welcome back. ” Its really intense. I feel like people wouldve marked out for Judy Bagwell, just because it wouldve been an unexpected surprise. Mojo makes his entrance, and I think its during a commercial. Drew comes out and they have a “match. ” It was a little confusing because they never announced there was going to be a match, and never said anything about the 24/7 title. Heres a picture of Drew not pointing at the sign, and you can see the digital clock really well here. By the way, no matches were announced to the crowd at all. We saw the “Tonight on Raw” graphics on the Titantron at one point, and that was it. Six-man tag is up next. I feel like the lack of major stars on Raw right now is really showing, but the crowd couldnt care less. Theyre doing the Viking Raiders chant. I dont even know what the chant is, and Im not sure the crowd does either, but theyre still trying. Owens is over. Yes, everyone seems to be over tonight, but hes really over. Seth & Friends make their entrance to Seths music, and his pyro is really hot. Heres a video for you. Heat not included. The match goes on for quite a while, and the crowd is following along with every spot. One of the Raiders just randomly has to leave, I guess the refs told him he was too hurt. Funny note: at one point, Buddy did the “spit his gum out after getting hit” thing, and the crowd totally bought into it. People were gasping and I heard more than one say “WAS THAT HIS TOOTH? ” I then heard a discussion over what they do now, which concluded with them deciding that if your tooth gets knocked out, you just have to keep going. Heres a picture of Owens hitting a powerbomb. They were setting up for Aleisters entrance while the action was going on. Seth was really active throughout the match, and especially during the commercial. He kept glaring at the crowd on the floor opposite the entrance, and it looked like he was yelling at them quite a bit. He was extremely animated, and the crowd was loving it. Interesting note after the match: Seth & Friends pose at the top of the ramp, but it looked like it was too soon — there were replays going. Instead of it being awkward, Seth does a “Hey lets watch ourselves being awesome on the replay” thing. They turn and watch then do their pose afterwards. Owens limped to the back in the dark, but stopped before the curtain and did a little bow of gratitude to the crowd. I got the impression that he appreciated the support. Owens definitely played more to the actual crowd than anyone else, in terms of looking over to where the fans actually are, as opposed to the side with the hard cameras. Ricochet does a promo backstage, and stutters. The crowd laughs. I was really interested in how Aleisters entrance works. Heres a lengthy video, where you can see him running out right beforehand. Afterwards when theyre taking it down, you can see them roll away the box/crate he used. Im assuming he just lays on top of it. Eric Young is probably the only person the whole night who wasnt over. Its sad how little theyve done with him. Obviously its over quickly. They change the canvas on the mat for the second time of the night here. The first was after the Lana match — at the time I assumed there must have been makeup smeared on it or something. This time, I noticed the ref put rubber gloves on during the match, although I didnt see anyone bleeding. Im guessing they want the canvas always looking clean for TV. Anyway, theres a ton of people, and they do it really quickly. The LED board on the apron pops off so they can access everything. It looked like there was a layer of several identical canvases, and they just take off the one on the top. Side note: they put up lights when the commentary team talks to the camera. Theres also people who take their chairs down to the floor, and lift them back up when the camera goes off. Humberto comes out, following the video package showing what happened last week. Some people nearby are really excited to see Andrade. Theres a very long “wait through the commercial” bit here. Humberto is stretching, then he goes to the floor and chats with some people. Someone with a little kid comes down, and other fans are waving to get his attention. They point out the kid and he goes over to say hello. It was a nice thing to see. Garza comes out. Full disclosure: I dont really watch NXT. Ive heard the guys name, and thats about it. Zelina starts getting the “What” chant, after saying a couple of words in Spanish. Lest anyone think its racist, theres actually a big Hispanic population here, so I dont think that was it. A lot of people doing the chant were Hispanic themselves. I think the crowd was just super excited to do their very own “What” chant. Garza came off like a superstar here. No exaggeration. Hes got a real swagger to him, and he was great at mugging for the fans. Rey does a run-in, and the crowd goes absolutely nuts — as in, one step below Beatlemania. Funny note: they go to commercial, and now Rey has to act like hes slightly less furious than he was a moment earlier. Hes a picture of him getting his emotions under control, until the lights come back up and hes mad again. They announce that Rey will have a match, and the crowd goes ballistic. Youd think they just brought out Michael Buffer to say that Stone Cold and The Rock are about to go head to head in a ladder match on top of Hell in a Cell. A Hispanic dude nearby is about to pass out. The fans are dying to see the 619. Side note: Its fairly obvious when they go to commercial. The action usually slows, and the big screens go to a static hard camera shot without switching. The “WWE LIVE” graphic in the corner is missing as well. Rey gets hurt. The crowd is deprived of the 619. I hear people discussing how theyre disappointed. During the commercial, pretty much every ref in the company helps Rey all the way back to the curtain. Incidentally, it looked to me like the “gorilla position” area is a structure that attaches directly to the back of the set. You can see someone who looks to be about the size of Charlotte drinking water for a moment at the end of this video. Next, the crowd pops crowd. Heres a lengthy video, where you can see them going insane because crowd shots start appearing on the Titantron. Mind you, they didnt announce that they were about to be live on USA or anything — they just played music and flashed the lights and everyone just started screaming. This video goes straight into Charlottes entrance, where they get even louder. You can see the steadicam guys haul ass down towards the ring, then move back up. They subsequently go nuts for Rhea. No one is disappointed that Charlotte doesnt make her decision tonight — like the average WWE Superstar, the fans are just happy to be here. They love having fun, Maggle. Asuka and Nattie have a match — Nattie puts her cat ears on a woman at ringside, who subsequently looks like shes about to cry. At least to me, this match went on for a really long time. Im not sure how it came across on TV. Keep in mind, it seems a lot longer when theyre going through a commercial. I was also a little annoyed by some crazed Asuka fans nearby, who were trying to start chants for her through the entire match., Im glad you like her, but after the tenth time your “Lets go Asuka” chant doesnt catch on, maybe its a sign to just relax and watch the match. Side note: This is where I noticed someone brought a baby to the show. No, not a kid, and not a toddler — a baby. As in, a newborn baby. Couldnt have been more than a couple of months old. I noticed because they got up and walked off to get pretzels. The baby did appear to have baby-sized earplugs in, but still. a baby? Come on. Youre better than that, WWE Universe. Asuka wins and screams into the mic. Its really shrill coming out of the speakers and hurts my ears. I can tell Becky is about to come out, because a camera guy runs up the ramp. And wow, is Becky over. Im not sure how to explain it, except to say shes just got a crazy amount of charisma. The way she walks and the way she moves just makes you want to pay attention to what shes doing. Shes definitely a star. An interesting thing I noticed: a circle appeared at the top of the ramp during her entrance — I assume its there so she knows where to stand. Main event time. Seth is cutting a promo, and I notice someone drag out a fog machine for Ricochet, who proceeds to come out and stand there in the dark while Seth is still talking. People notice and start cheering for him before his music starts. During the commercial, they played a long video of Jimmy Fallon and John Cena slapping each other with fish. I was watching the ring — instead of just standing around in the dark, Ricochet looked like he was trash talking Seth and Lashley. Pretty fun match — Lashley was laying outside the ring for what seemed like an eternity, because they were in commercial. He conveniently felt better once we were live again. I got a decent slow mo video of the end, and this was the only time I actually felt like I missed something because I was recording. Although when I watched it back, I dont think I wouldve noticed Lesnar either way. He popped in there incredibly fast, and just like that, he was gone. I wonder how much he made for 60 seconds of work? After the show was over, Seth tried to shake Ricochets hand. Heres what transpired. After Ricochet went to the back, Seth was flopping around in the ring. He then acted really indignant and stormed to the back. The end. On the whole, it was a fun night. I do wish AJ was able to make it, but you cant have everything. If youre thinking of going, its definitely worth it. People always say its not a good idea to sit on the floor unless youre in the first couple of rows, and I can see why. I could tell there were some in the back who were having a hard time seeing anything — and when youre in the lower bowl, youre really not that much farther away. I would definitely recommend sitting on the side with the hard cameras, even if it means you cant be as close. If theres one thing I think WWE could do better, its talking to the crowd in the building. They need to have the ring announcer say something before they go live: like “Were so happy to be here, thanks for coming, and we really hope you show everyone at home how excited you are to be here. Youre as big of a part of the show as we are, and we want everyone watching at home to see that. The wrestlers feed off your energy and they need to hear you. ” This is something thats common when you attend a TV taping in a studio, and it could go a long way here. I can see where a less hyped crowd could feel ignored — especially when youre spending the night watching peoples backs. Luckily, that wasnt needed for this show. I hope the crowds excitement came across well on air. Like I said about a hundred paragraphs ago, WWE comes here pretty regularly for house shows, but I think most were just really pumped up to have a live broadcast here. And thus ends the longest Raw report in history. I hope you made it to the end.

They did Anne dirty with that picture 😂. “And a consistent American accent” Wow he really went there 😂😂. THIS is a role model. THIS is an example. THIS is what little Black girls need to see. YOU ARE FULL OF COURAGE, COMPASSION, AND STRENGTH. YOU ARE A WOMAN OF GOD LOVED BY GOD AND CREATED BY GOD. LET'S GO.

Looks great. NOTE: This is FAKE HOCKEY. To talk about actual hockey, go to the latest Daily Discussion thread Trade Deadline Tonight will continue TONIGHT! The r/hockey Trade Deadline Game is back for day 2! Starting today at 8:00 AM MT trading is officially open again. Trading will run until Thursday, January 30th at 6:00 PM MT. You are not late! You can still sign up at When you are traded, change your flair on hockey-related subreddits and spend the week from January 31st through February 7th cheering for your new team. Here are this year's reporters, the people who will make things up break news of trade negotiations: u/DeathToHeretics /u/WMino But remember NO TRADE IS OFFICIAL UNTIL POSTED IN THIS THREAD! It's not too late to sign up to be a player The sign-up form is still active and will remain open until Wednesday night. You can find that here For TDG-related shenanigans, go here [WARNING: some NSFW Language] Happy trading! r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/xelrano from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/illwill18 from r/coloradoavalanche Detroit receives a 3 of the Rocky Mountains, Breckenridge Brewery. Colorado receives Windsor Ontario. r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Muckerofbin from r/edmontonoilers r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/SCwinningJultz from r/edmontonoilers r/edmontonoilers receives /u/asswaffle420 from r/coloradoavalanche r/edmontonoilers receives /u/CloutWaffle from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receive a used oil derrick, straight from the prairies. r/canucks receives /u/TheOlDickTwister from r/detroitredwings r/canucks receives /u/SevenStringGod from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/JordanTheLobster from r/canucks r/detroitredwings receives /u/BlueLegs32 from r/canucks Detroit receives Storm Brewery. Vancouver receives the naming rights to Lake Superior r/predators receives /u/tonuch4963 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/TRed7894 from r/predators Detroit receives Yazoo Brewery, and a choked on peanut. Nashville receives the helmet from Robocop. r/penguins receives /u/thewinterzodiac from r/edmontonoilers r/penguins receives /u/nextfanatic from r/edmontonoilers r/edmontonoilers receives /u/DontPanic_4242 from r/penguins r/edmontonoilers receives /u/shirleyxx from r/penguins r/penguins receive a barrel of the finest Albertan oil. r/penguins receives /u/StonedArcticPenguin from r/rangers r/rangers receives /u/ArchaicTriad from r/penguins Pittsburgh Cheesesteak has been removed from the menu from Parmanti Bro's r/anaheimducks receives /u/Efficient-Sentence from r/winnipegjets r/anaheimducks receives /u/ItsaMe_Fish from r/winnipegjets r/winnipegjets receives /u/dunkan799 from r/anaheimducks r/anaheimducks Front Office will have food delivered to the Front Office of r/Winnipegjets r/stlouisblues receives /u/otterHooligan from r/flyers r/stlouisblues receives /u/DelcoScum from r/flyers r/stlouisblues receives /u/agswanlek from r/flyers r/flyers receives /u/OtterInAustin from r/stlouisblues r/flyers receives /u/lawnicus18 from r/stlouisblues r/flyers receives /u/Rhymes_withOrange from r/stlouisblues r/stlouisblues receives The Jacks NYB from Philadelphia in exchange for one hour alone with the Stanley Cup for Gritty. r/rangers receives /u/Asscheese124 from r/floridapanthers r/rangers receives /u/BearHands00 from r/floridapanthers r/rangers receives /u/MiamiDolphinsFan13 from r/floridapanthers r/floridapanthers receives /u/MentalCorruption from r/rangers The New York Rangers also receive naming rights to the city of Miami, renaming it New Brooklyn, and naming rights to the Florida Keys, renaming them the Brooklyn Keys r/flyers receives /u/leadorlead from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/puckcrisis11 from r/flyers To r/bluejackets - a supply of Scrapple To r/flyers - a gift card to La Crema in Hamilton r/bluejackets receives /u/NorthHighBears from r/coloradoavalanche r/bluejackets receives /u/RaiderGoalie from r/coloradoavalanche r/bluejackets receives /u/FuzzyTheKiller from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Highlander253 from r/bluejackets r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/HockeyHydralisk from r/bluejackets Columbus Blue Jackets to receive a case of Marylands finest rot gut, DuClaw Brewery's Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter. Colorado Avalanche to receive assurances that /u/HockeyHydralisk will shitpost memes at least twice, spending more than ten minutes in GIMP and not just making text on a white background. r/detroitredwings receives /u/docksmur from r/bluejackets r/detroitredwings receives /u/Demonox01 from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/TheFlanderer from r/detroitredwings r/bluejackets receives /u/InSwedenWeTrust from r/detroitredwings r/bluejackets may dress the Spirit of Detroit in a Blue Jackets jersey for one week r/detroitredwings receives the Columbus Brewing Company r/flyers receives /u/Sulfoniclol from r/coloradoavalanche r/flyers receives /u/doodlescout from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/TheGlaceon78 from r/flyers r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/wh1zzer from r/flyers Colorado Avalanche to receive the township of Cherry Hill, NJ. r/canes receives /u/sneakytinkerspirits from r/canes VGK receives a single In-n-Out fry. Not even animal style. Plain. r/devils receives /u/OhneBremse_OhneLicht from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/woodbot96 from r/devils r/sanjosesharks receives /u/SnowyPuzzle from r/devils r/sanjosesharks receives /u/HopelessEsq from r/devils r/sanjosesharks receives /u/CTLepore from r/devils r/hawks receives /u/themagicman1343 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/Xenofon713 from r/hawks r/detroitredwings receives Goose Island Brewery, but will still distribute to Chicago. r/hawks gets to rename 8 mile, 88 mile and a picture of Patrick Kane will be put on the sign. r/hawks receives /u/hockeyenthusiast from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/NimihseeL from r/hawks Chicago will send some cold weather to the Bay Area. The Sharks will use this to host the Blackhawks in the Winter Classic. r/canes receives /u/StephDoesntCamp from r/flyers r/flyers receives /u/SheepLovesFinns from r/canes r/flyers receives /u/SarahCiv from r/canes r/flyers receives /u/IAMA_Dumba55_Fan from r/canes r/canes receives the Rocky statue and promises to teach Steph how to properly appreciate Rod the Bod r/dallasstars receives /u/kethryvis from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/talkinmyface from r/dallasstars r/sanjosesharks receives /u/doihavetowearabra from r/dallasstars Sharks receive three bags of hockey pucks. r/detroitredwings receives /u/OcelotWolf from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/swim846 from r/detroitredwings r/sanjosesharks receives /u/GreatCanadian_ from r/detroitredwings r/sanjosesharks receives /u/ts1234666 from r/detroitredwings Detroit receives ownership of the Hapas Brewing Company. r/newyorkislanders receives /u/Dildo_Baggins_6969 from r/hawks r/newyorkislanders receives /u/bwhyte1123 from r/hawks r/hawks receives /u/Deathwing_Dragonlord from r/newyorkislanders r/hawks receives /u/commsmatt from r/newyorkislanders Isles to provide Hawks with Brooklyn pie. Hawks to provide Isles with deep dish pizza. r/detroitredwings receives /u/CutLinkOfficial from r/rangers r/rangers receives /u/nik_mkay from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings get Genesee Brewing Company. r/rangers get to rename Dayton, MI to New New York, MI r/devils receives /u/osoblanco234 from r/goldenknights r/devils receives /u/Bigcheecho from r/goldenknights r/devils receives /u/rubix08 from r/goldenknights r/devils receives /u/mmowry98 from r/goldenknights r/devils receives /u/CapHillFlash from r/goldenknights r/goldenknights receives /u/JSav7 from r/devils r/goldenknights receives /u/timotomat0 from r/devils r/goldenknights receives /u/Pastatrees from r/devils r/goldenknights receives /u/Palmsfan21 from r/devils r/goldenknights receives /u/faze_chair from r/devils New Jersey Devils acquire Bryce Harper's tears Vegas Golden Knights acquire a Nikita Gusev Jersey r/devils receives /u/Hobpobkibblebob from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/HeadHighSauce26 from r/devils r/tampabaylightning receives /u/diego-fuego from r/devils TB receives: Louis Domingue NJ receives: some real Florida beach sand and a 12 pack of a Tampa Bay beer to be named later r/canes receives /u/Awab25 from r/hawks r/hawks receives /u/shadownet97 from r/canes Canes will receive 1 pie from Pequod's. r/leafs receives /u/Cynova055 from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/haIifax from r/leafs To r/leafs - a signed LeBron James poster To r/bluejackets - a Stan Rogers vinyl r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/ksheiny from r/newyorkislanders r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/zxpzflik from r/newyorkislanders r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/QuantumDrake from r/newyorkislanders r/newyorkislanders receives /u/littleneerd from r/coloradoavalanche r/newyorkislanders receives /u/bluestooge from r/coloradoavalanche r/newyorkislanders receives /u/usiakcameron from r/coloradoavalanche r/ColoradoAvalanche receive a cup holder stolen from the Barclays center both teams sign a joint statement saying the Barclays Center sucks for hockey r/rangers receives /u/ RocketGrunt from r/coloradoavalanche r/rangers receives /u/stormylullabye from r/coloradoavalanche r/rangers receives /u/Thebush121 from r/coloradoavalanche r/rangers receives /u/taylorrae33 from r/coloradoavalanche r/rangers receives /u/camco105 from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/MEGAMATTEOMAN from r/rangers r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Robtachi from r/rangers New York Rangers to receive New Mountain York. r/detroitredwings receives /u/guccigatana from r/newyorkislanders r/newyorkislanders receives /u/DeadWithMyFriends from r/detroitredwings r/NewYorkIslanders receive a girder from the old Joe Louis Arena r/DetroitRedWings receive the Southern Tier Brewing Company r/tampabaylightning receives /u/MooseKingdom from r/leafs r/stlouisblues receives /u/Ezflow from r/tampabaylightning r/stlouisblues receives /u/Bryce_Dead19 from r/tampabaylightning r/stlouisblues receives /u/Euroranger from r/stlouisblues r/leafs receives /u/Jimmers1231 from r/stlouisblues r/leafs receives /u/Bcakd5 from r/stlouisblues r/bluejackets receives /u/dylanr18 from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/TheDanAplan from r/bluejackets r/stlouisblues receives /u/thecbjfan from r/bluejackets r/leafs receives an official expression of gratitude from r/stlouisblues for Toronto's release of Tyler Bozak r/hawks receives /u/OleMissGoalie37 from r/coloradoavalanche r/hawks receives /u/HeelJopy from r/coloradoavalanche r/hawks receives /u/silentrenegade8 from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Bragisson from r/hawks Chicago to receive Rhein Haus. r/stlouisblues receives /u/wingsfan64 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/ContrastingWords from r/stlouisblues r/detroitredwings receive 2 clydesdales r/stlouisblues receive 2 Fiats. r/flyers receives /u/WhoaItsAFactorial from r/losangeleskings r/losangeleskings receives /u/SplendaMan from r/flyers r/losangeleskings receives /u/crafbicycle from r/flyers r/flyers receives a bag of Mike Richards finest nose candy r/losangeleskings receives Gritty's dealer's phone number r/losangeleskings receives /u/kenlane from r/newyorkislanders r/losangeleskings receives /u/auniqueusername1001 from r/newyorkislanders r/newyorkislanders receives /u/Branzilla91 from r/losangeleskings r/newyorkislanders receives /u/WhyAreYouGey from r/losangeleskings r/newyorkislanders receives /u/trippy2219 from r/losangeleskings r/NewYorkIslanders receive a Pau Gasol jersey r/LosAngelesKings receive a jug of that good Brooklyn Water r/flyers receives /u/RealmoftheRedWiings from r/detroitredwings r/flyers receives /u/RedWingFan5 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/carp_boy from r/flyers r/detroitredwings receives /u/KFC_Gaming from r/flyers r/detroitredwings receive Yuengling Brewery r/flyers receive otters Kalee and Sparky from the Detroit Zoo r/coyotes receives /u/JimmyRadRad from r/tampabaylightning r/coyotes receives /u/sdubz11 from r/tampabaylightning r/coyotes receives /u/vinnyv91 from r/tampabaylightning r/coyotes receives /u/PinHill from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/bonzaijoe from r/coyotes TB receives: Some desert sand from Arizona + 1 live coyote ARI receives: Some beach sand from Florida r/predators receives /u/m4xdc from r/coloradoavalanche r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Forny008 from r/predators Colorado Avalanche to receive Carrie "Carrie Underwood" Fisher at one home game. Nashville Predators to receive two free Chevrolet Avalanches to smash as they see fit during the Stanley Cup Playoffs. r/stlouisblues receives /u/christinaann6 from r/penguins r/penguins receives a promise that u/professorwhat won't make another edgy joke on stream r/losangeleskings receives /u/PhelpsTheory from r/canes r/losangeleskings receives /u/AStelthyNinja from r/canes r/canes receives /u/LABoston from r/losangeleskings In addition, CAR receives a dozen Randy's donuts and a taco truck. LAK receives one storm surge wavier. r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/YouGot2BeKiddingMe from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/feedfatso1607 from r/coloradoavalanche r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Leumas_lheir from r/coloradoavalanche r/tampabaylightning receives /u/putinsukraine from r/coloradoavalanche r/tampabaylightning receives /u/stubborn11 from r/coloradoavalanche COL receives: A jar of lightning that can be controlled and used to kill enemies TB receives: An avalanche machine that trigger an avalanche wherever I want, once r/bluejackets receives /u/Something_319 from r/stlouisblues r/bluejackets receives /u/Euroranger from r/stlouisblues r/stlouisblues receives /u/TheDanAplan from r/bluejackets r/stlouisblues receives /u/dylanr18 from r/bluejackets r/stlouisblues receives the entire The Drew Carey Show on Blu-Ray. r/bluejackets receive the body of General William T. Sherman. At last reunited with Grant, acquired in an earlier trade, Ohio's great God-Kings shall be reinterred beneath Nationwide Arena, henceforth to watch over this city, this state, and this hockey team in eternal glory. r/sabres receives /u/TheConeOfShame805 from r/penguins r/penguins receives /u/NumberJ5 from r/sabres r/sabres receives the Monongahela River and a grilled cheese sandwhich that the Penguins promise is actually a Philly cheesesteak r/penguins also gives NumberJ5 his own personal bidet r/goldenknights receives /u/needuhlife19 from r/detroitredwings r/goldenknights receives /u/D3troiit from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/cookbacondrunknaked from r/goldenknights r/detroitredwings receive Ellis Island Hotel Casino & Brewery. r/goldenknights receive Tom Selleck's mustache r/bluejackets receives /u/Sh1eldbearer from r/detroitredwings r/goldenknights receives /u/RCX42 from r/bluejackets Vegas acquires some Lake Effect from Columbus to help pond hockey in the desert r/tampabaylightning receives /u/bay_sports from r/sanjosesharks r/tampabaylightning receives /u/DontSayNoToPills from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/bonzaijoe from r/tampabaylightning r/sanjosesharks receives /u/XanoJester from r/tampabaylightning r/devils receives /u/Troub313 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/Flowseidon9 from r/devils r/detroitredwings receives /u/corso923 from r/devils r/detroitredwings receive the Anheuser-Busch facility located in Newark. r/sanjosesharks receives /u/adam3vergreen from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/sjs48 from r/sanjosesharks r/bluejackets receives /u/eggs-dee123 from r/sanjosesharks r/caps receives /u/brycer16 from r/flyers r/caps receives /u/AgelessWonder67 from r/flyers r/caps receives /u/FlackBox from r/flyers r/flyers receives /u/koalabear9301 from r/caps r/flyers receives /u/NotShibs from r/caps r/flyers receives /u/ Ghost8 from r/caps Philadelphia sends Jeff Francoeur to DC. r/habs receives /u/MOLightningBro from r/tampabaylightning r/habs receives /u/RandomBoltsFan from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Davel_Patsyuk from r/habs r/tampabaylightning receives /u/christiv7 from r/habs r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Lander-V from r/habs MTL receives: A meeting with the Yakuza TB receives: The best poutine Quebec has to offer r/habs receives /u/spyingformontreal from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/Notopdelta from r/habs r/detroitredwings receive Molson Coors Brewing Company. r/Habs receive an unreleased Eminem mixtape r/devils receives /u/hnglmkrnglbrry from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/summervacationtoHoth from r/devils r/bluejackets receives /u/Danny_Devitos_Bitch from r/devils r/bluejackets receives /u/kingofthediamond from r/devils r/bluejackets receives /u/4Bars_BlackFlag from r/devils r/bluejackets receives /u/Cyrus_Voltaire from r/devils r/bluejackets receives Future Considerations and Snookie from r/devils r/bluejackets acknowledges and endorses the Devils' famous Christmas Whites as the best in the Tri-State Area. r/habs receives /u/Angry_Walnut from r/goldenknights r/goldenknights receives /u/Instantcurry from r/habs r/goldenknights receives /u/killerb54 from r/habs Vegas acquires Paccioretty's C Montreal acquires Paccioretty's A r/flyers receives /u/JakeTheSnake0709 from r/edmontonoilers r/edmontonoilers receives /u/NippleDickPussyBhole from r/flyers r/flyers receives the Walterdale Bridge r/EdmontonOilers receive the opportunity to lick the Liberty Bell r/caps receives /u/Xenofon713 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/NKilmer6 from r/caps r/detroitredwings receive a bag of prison booze from The Central Detention Facility r/sanjosesharks receives /u/Softestpoop from r/edmontonoilers r/edmontonoilers receives /u/infamousgenitals from r/sanjosesharks r/edmontonoilers receives /u/thegreatmomo14 from r/sanjosesharks r/penguins receives /u/ProjectPsion from r/bluejackets r/penguins receives /u/TheStigofKentucky from r/bluejackets r/penguins receives /u/Zebra_dan from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/PenguinPride87 from r/penguins r/bluejackets receives /u/knucklepuck17 from r/penguins r/bluejackets admits the Pirates will win another title before the Browns will r/caps receives /u/thatgoodmojo from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/Xenofon713 from r/caps r/detroitredwings will be holding a press conference soon to honor /u/Xenofon713 for coming back good this time. r/flyers receives /u/safetide from r/losangeleskings r/losangeleskings receives /u/cdl5060 from r/flyers r/flyers also receives a meeting with Snoop Dogg to explain what otters are to him r/sanjosesharks receives /u/plantedgreenfern from r/caps r/sanjosesharks receives /u/Roust_McGoust from r/caps r/sanjosesharks receives /u/SaxIsMyAxe1_ from r/caps r/sanjosesharks receives /u/Fireball827 from r/caps r/sanjosesharks receives /u/hokierange from r/caps r/caps receives /u/Sainthops from r/sanjosesharks r/caps receives /u/pachicola from r/sanjosesharks r/caps receives /u/bunnymcfoo from r/sanjosesharks r/caps receives /u/SurprisedCarlos from r/sanjosesharks r/winnipegjets receives /u/NarcoticTurkey from r/habs r/habs receives /u/finnishjetter from r/winnipegjets Habs receive protection from finnishjetter sabotaging our r/hockey survivor plans for 2020 r/winnipegjets receives /u/Spitfyre434 from r/sanjosesharks r/winnipegjets receives /u/lackingspoon from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/TrueNorthStrong1898 from r/winnipegjets The Winnipeg Jets officially acknowledge that Northern California is better than Southern California. r/winnipegjets receives /u/Fixmy59bug from r/goldenknights r/winnipegjets receives /u/Hektorpascal from r/goldenknights r/goldenknights receives /u/biga204 from r/winnipegjets r/goldenknights receives /u/Kudgar from r/winnipegjets r/stlouisblues receives /u/Whydoesthisexist15 from r/canes r/stlouisblues receives /u/gene_scallop from r/canes r/stlouisblues receives /u/waltstrika from r/canes r/stlouisblues receives /u/canesfan556 from r/canes r/stlouisblues receives /u/fogger794 from r/canes r/canes receives /u/PM_Me_Things_Yo_Like from r/stlouisblues r/canes receives /u/TechDawg20 from r/stlouisblues r/canes receives /u/JazzPolice13 from r/stlouisblues r/canes receives /u/M_Shepard_89 from r/stlouisblues r/canes receives /u/jsmu2016 from r/stlouisblues r/canes receives a buffet tray of T-Ravs, r/stlouisblues receives the Section 328 Podcast. r/canucks receives /u/DeathToHeretics from r/caps r/hawks receives /u/ainzooalg0wn from r/caps r/caps receives /u/thelaineranger from r/canucks r/hawks receives /u/jlennox_ from r/canucks r/caps receives /u/younggun92 from r/hawks r/caps receives /u/jamaicancovfefe from r/hawks To Chicago: A pizza from We The Pizza (Toppings to be decided at a later date) To DeathToHeretics: A Chicago Dog and Chicago Deep Dish Pizza to be taken with him to Vancouver r/canucks receives /u/ChronicBitRot from r/hawks r/canucks receives /u/ThirdTimesAnAlt from r/hawks r/canucks receives /u/SpeedyDolphin42 from r/hawks r/hawks receives /u/mephnick from r/canucks r/winnipegjets receives /u/darnfox from r/detroitredwings r/winnipegjets receives /u/akschreibs from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/PuckTheFreds from r/winnipegjets r/detroitredwings receive Half Pints Brewing Co. r/winnipegjets receive lockers from Joe Louis Arena, to be used as the overhead compartments r/canucks receives /u/jmorga33 from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/offline_dude19 from r/canucks r/canucks receives a bag of pucks from r/bluejackets, and promises to take them down to Seattle and use them to break Starbucks windows r/losangeleskings receives /u/sweetstrife from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/Mootux from r/losangeleskings r/bluejackets receives /u/im_turning_into_moss from r/losangeleskings r/bluejackets receives /u/Bhelliom from r/losangeleskings r/bluejackets receives /u/Boii1209 from r/losangeleskings r/bluejackets receives /u/WorldRallyBlues from r/losangeleskings The Rainbow Bar and Grill moved to Columbus. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame moved to Los Angeles. Harvey Weinstein lifetime banned from entering Ohio. r/sabres receives /u/Mercpool87 from r/penguins r/sabres receives /u/DL757 from r/penguins r/sabres receives /u/armagev17 from r/penguins r/penguins receives /u/shadowzeak from r/sabres r/penguins receives /u/Uncle_Gazpacho from r/sabres r/penguins receives the city of Buffalo, and the Buffalo Bisons u/armagev17 receives a full NTC r/hawks receives /u/spicy-succ from r/newyorkislanders r/hawks receives /u/PracticallyCanadian7 from r/newyorkislanders r/newyorkislanders receives /u/IAmQueensBlvd31 from r/hawks r/NewYorkIslanders receive /u/courtiebabe420 's old Jay Cutler jersey r/Hawks receive /u/TheBossJarhead 's old John Tavares jersey r/penguins receives /u/cgreen727 from r/coyotes r/coyotes receives /u/BoBandy35 from r/penguins r/coyotes receives /u/TheStigofKentucky from r/penguins r/coyotes receives /u/brendan0305 from r/penguins r/coyotes get Phil Kessel's old house for u/bonzaijoe r/penguins get an old Phil Kessel hotdog wrapper for u/armagev17 r/coloradoavalanche receives /u/Freaaak55 from r/sanjosesharks r/sanjosesharks receives /u/SlipperyInNet from r/coloradoavalanche r/goldenknights receives /u/AnAngryAnimal from r/wildhockey r/goldenknights receives /u/CommanderCorndog from r/wildhockey r/wildhockey receives /u/moosepile from r/goldenknights Minnesota sends Mild hot sauce to Vegas. Vegas issues a written apology for having done it to GMCF so hard in the expansion draft r/flyers receives /u/pelliffe11 from r/devils r/devils receives /u/MrMeSeeds from r/flyers Flyers also receive Apple Watch to log "fitness" r/canucks receives /u/thronelol from r/caps r/canucks receives /u/mataleon07 from r/caps r/canucks receives /u/camelCaseNoob from r/caps r/caps receives /u/IGotThisFromEbay from r/canucks r/caps receives /u/Crazymoney74 from r/canucks r/caps receives /u/spacppl from r/canucks r/caps receives /u/flyingsub from r/canucks r/caps receives /u/BraqAttack from r/canucks r/bluejackets receives /u/FewWatermelonlesson7 from r/wildhockey r/wildhockey receives /u/AntiPrince from r/bluejackets Minnesota admits that they are not, in fact, Canadian. The Blue Jackets admit that the Cleveland Indians ownership is dumb and stupid. r/goldenknights receives /u/svartkonst from r/dallasstars r/goldenknights receives /u/scoutcjustice from r/dallasstars r/goldenknights receives /u/FuckItHaveAnUpvote from r/dallasstars r/dallasstars receives /u/Sumdood88 from r/goldenknights And a promise to get Drokeep out of Philly r/detroitredwings receives /u/quantumking_ from r/wildhockey r/detroitredwings receives /u/Zushenko from r/wildhockey r/wildhockey receives /u/Detonation from r/detroitredwings DET acquires: Burning Brothers Brewery MIN acquires: 5 lbs of mackinac fudge r/sabres receives /u/TurtleWithATail from r/canucks r/sabres receives /u/MirandaGemini from r/canucks r/canucks receives /u/KEWLCactus from r/sabres Vancouver receives both the American and Canadian sides of Niagara Falls. Buffalo receives 2000 lbs of salmon (wild) and the rights to Seattle as a rival. r/losangeleskings receives /u/wyattgbert from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/Arelfel from r/losangeleskings r/detroitredwings receive Angel City Brewery r/losangeleskings receive a random parking lot attendant r/penguins receives /u/Dragarien from r/detroitredwings r/penguins receives /u/drock21023 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/byfugWIN from r/penguins r/detroitredwings receive Croakers Brewing r/penguins receive an old concession stand from Joe Louis Arena r/detroitredwings receives /u/Gamogi from r/edmontonoilers r/detroitredwings receives /u/LLbnjt99 from r/edmontonoilers r/detroitredwings receives /u/rdayrien from r/edmontonoilers r/detroitredwings receives /u/saltydingus from r/edmontonoilers r/edmontonoilers receives /u/Ohgodwhatisthisidont from r/detroitredwings r/edmontonoilers receives /u/iFuktUrMom from r/detroitredwings r/edmontonoilers receives /u/BylerTertuzzi from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives the Alley Kat Brewing Company. r/habs receives /u/NontransferableApe from r/bluejackets r/bluejackets receives /u/Toaster_Coaster from r/habs r/bluejackets receives /u/gryff_ from r/habs r/hawks receives /u/BoltsGoalieGirl from r/tampabaylightning r/hawks receives /u/DoinWhale from r/tampabaylightning r/hawks receives /u/xW52 from r/tampabaylightning r/hawks receives /u/KatWantsToBattle from r/tampabaylightning r/hawks receives /u/J_Mark13 from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/GRAIN_DIV_20 from r/hawks r/tampabaylightning receives /u/drmatt19 from r/hawks r/tampabaylightning receives /u/freezend from r/hawks r/tampabaylightning receives /u/burtsreynoldswrap from r/hawks r/tampabaylightning receives /u/keister_TM from r/hawks TB receives: The best Chicago deep dish pizza for the staff + a shipment of Old Style CHI receives: The best Cuban subs for the staff + a shipment of Yuengling r/dallasstars receives /u/Drokeep from r/flyers r/flyers receives /u/Sumdood88 from r/dallasstars r/goldenknights agrees to renounce all present and future claims to Bryce Harper r/dallasstars recieves Chance the Gila Monster from Vegas r/tampabaylightning receives /u/CluelessNuggetOfGold from r/detroitredwings r/tampabaylightning receives /u/canbehazardous from r/detroitredwings r/tampabaylightning receives /u/DarkRitNighthawk from r/detroitredwings r/tampabaylightning receives /u/SlenderSpenser from r/detroitredwings r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Datsyuk1998 from r/detroitredwings r/detroitredwings receives /u/westofvenus from r/tampabaylightning r/detroitredwings receives /u/SuperSniper4 from r/tampabaylightning r/detroitredwings receives /u/deeyaz from r/tampabaylightning r/detroitredwings receives Cigar City Brewing r/tampabaylightning receies a C8 Corvette in blue and a case of Vernors r/goldenknights receives /u/obelisk29 from r/tampabaylightning r/goldenknights receives /u/cm17cm17 from r/tampabaylightning r/goldenknights receives /u/MrTubzy from r/tampabaylightning r/goldenknights receives /u/justincase_2008 from r/tampabaylightning r/goldenknights receives /u/lorenzovonmaterhorn from r/tampabaylightning r/tampabaylightning receives /u/GhostlyPixel from r/goldenknights r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Hollywood_Zro from r/goldenknights r/tampabaylightning receives /u/WoomyNgyes from r/goldenknights r/tampabaylightning receives /u/Byers346 from r/goldenknights r/tampabaylightning receives /u/KelaSaar from r/goldenknights TB receives: Tickets to a Vegas show to be named later VGK receives: Future Considerations.

123MoviesHDWatch! Dark Waters: The Movie MOVIE'Online' F R E E ' FULL. Download December 5 2019 Share this post Repost 0 To be informed of the latest articles, subscribe: You might also like: 123moviES@HD@Download! Dark Waters: The Movie F u l l M O V I E HD "Online ~ F R E E" 23Movies~HD~Watch! Dark Waters: The Movie (2019) F u l l M O V I E" HD Free Download WatchDark Waters: The Movie [2019. Full Movie HD ~ English Subtitle! Dark Waters: The Movie (2019) Online Free Full M O V I E HD Next post »! Dark Waters: The Movie (2019) Online Free Full M O V I E HD about me Comment on this post About the blog Follow me Navigation Home Contact Newsletter Create your blog with Overblog Top posts Report abuse Terms of service Royalties Partnership Program Premium plans Cookies and personal data.

Watch full dark waters full. You can't act better than Joaquin Phoenix does in this film. The more shit a person goes through, the more they mature and the more they understand. I was 10 years old when grandma came to live with us. It was about six months after grandad passed away, and I guess, looking back, she must have been lonely in that big house of theirs. Rattling around with only the grief and memories for company. So despite a few protests from mum, my parents took her in. There were no protests from me. None at all. Grandma was loud, and fun, and I loved her. She had an almost limitless supply of boiled sweets, and shed always slip me a couple whenever she saw me. She was always the first to stick up for me when I got in trouble, too. But it was her stories I loved best. Grandma had all kinds of stories. Stories about growing up during WWII, and stories about the things shed get up to with her friends on the south coast, after her family had been evacuated. Sad stories, funny stories, adventure stories. But it was her scary stories that were my favourite. Grandma had lots of scary stories. She told me she dabbled in the occult when she was a teenager, trying out ouija boards with her friends. Tarot cards, fortune telling. All that stuff. Most of the stories Id laugh off, or forget about not long after she was done telling them. but there were a couple that really did spook me a bit. I was only 10 at the time, you have to understand. And grandma certainly knew how to bring the stories to life. Shed shut off the lights in my room so only the glow of the night sky shone through the curtains, and shed shuffle in real close. Close enough so I could see the wrinkles on her face, and smell the boiled sweets on her breath. Close enough so her deep blue eyes could stare straight into mine. She must have given me nightmares with a few of those tales, but now — years later — theres only one that I can still remember. Only one thats stuck with me. The story about the shower, and Mr Long Fingers. Grandma told me about Mr Long Fingers one night after I asked about her baths. Grandma used to love her baths. Shed spend ages in them: light candles and incense, and lie in the tub humming to herself until the water turned cold. It drove my mum crazy. But when I asked her why she loved them so much, she said it was the only place she could relax. It was the only place that was safe for her to relax. "You know people like me, who are. well, more sensitive to certain things, we have to have baths. she told me seriously one night, shuffling closer on the bed. "I couldnt possibly spend that long in the shower. Itd be far too risky. Grandma stared at me with those blue eyes of hers, unsmiling, and I knew it was time for one of her stories. One of the scary ones. I shivered with pleasure and pulled the covers up to my chin. "Why is it risky, grandma. She half turned to look out the window, watching me from the corner of her eye. Pausing for effect. I waited, feeling my heart rate pick up ever so slightly in my chest. "Well. she said after a moment. "Its only risky if you close your eyes, of course. If you close your eyes for longer than 10 seconds. What do you mean? Why. Well, do you ever play that game in the playground with your friends? The one where someone turns their back, and the others sneak up on them when they're not looking. I nodded, and grandma nodded back. "Exactly. So thats what its like in the shower, when you have your eyes closed. Thats what its like with Mr Long Fingers. A cold itch tickled back. "Whos Mr Long Fingers, grandma. She let out a deep breath, as if she wished she hadnt said anything. Turned her head back to face mine. When she next spoke, she'd lowered her voice. "No one knows, exactly. grandma whispered. "Some think its a creature thats attracted to the heat and smell we give off in there. Others think its a demon that finds a way into our realm through the dense steam clouds. No one can say for sure, because the only ones who have actually seen Mr Long Fingers arent ever going to be able to tell you. I pulled in a breath. "Why not. Grandma shuffled closer along the bed and leaned towards me, leaving my question hanging in the air. "Dont you worry about it, sweetheart. Dont worry your pretty head. As long as you remember the rules, youll be fine. What rules. Well, when youre in the shower, you try not to close your eyes for too long. Five seconds is fine, and 10 is just about okay, too. But any longer than that. Yeah? Then what. Well, any longer than that and you may just start to feel something in the room with you. Something watching. And if you ever go longer than 15 seconds, thats when you might start to hear a noise, too. Hear what. The soft tap-tap-tap of fingers on glass. Fingers drumming against the glass door of the shower. If you do ever hear that noise, God forbid, will you make me a promise. What, grandma. Promise me you'll never open your eyes. I barely slept that night. Hardly at all. Id close my eyes and try to relax, but every time I did Id imagine a face pressed against my bedroom window, staring in at me. And when I did finally get to sleep, I had nightmares. Bad ones. I had them all week, in fact. Dreams about disembodied eyes watching me in the dark, and long fingers reaching out to touch my exposed skin. It wasnt any better when I was awake, either. Not really. The shower was the worst. Thats when grandmas story really got to me. Id never thought about it before, but suddenly I had trouble shutting my eyes in there. Id be standing beneath the beating water, shampoo running down my face, and as soon as I squinted my eyelids closed Id hear grandmas words running through my head. Id rub my hair fast, feeling the shampoo dripping off my chin, and as soon as Id counted past five seconds Id feel it. A sort of. pressure. Not a feeling of being watched, exactly, but something close to that. Id run my fingers faster and faster through my hair, frantically trying to get the suds out, and the reddy-blackness behind my closed eyes coupled with the rush of water in my ears would feel like a held breath. Like the silence before a scream. The seconds would race through my mind and Id be so desperate to open my eyes again that Id sometimes do it before my hair was rinsed fully clean, and my eyes would sting with shampoo. But before I shut them again Id always be sure to peer out through the steamed glass door of the shower cubicle. Just to make sure I was still alone. It wasnt long before mum realised something was up. She heard me crying out in my sleep one night, and came in to comfort me. Asked me what the matter was, and it all came out. I told her about grandmas storys, and about Mr Long Fingers. She got this look on her face when I was telling her like she used to get with me when Id made her really mad. This wide-eyed, angry look. Only this time she wasnt angry with me. She was angry with grandma. My parents room was next to mine, and sometimes, if I pressed my ear against the wall, I could hear them talking in there. Soft whispers. That night, though, after mum was satisfied I wasnt scared anymore and she'd gone back to her room, the whispers weren't soft at all. Oh no. I heard mum hissing to dad about grandma. About the story she'd told me. Mum's voice floated through the wall, sharp and crisp. "You know what your fucking mother's said to him now, don't you, Simon. Dad's response was an unintelligible mutter. "She's told him there's a monster that'll get him if he shuts his eyes in the shower. A monster. The poor kid's been having nightmares about it all week. Seriously, Simon, you'd better say something to her tomorrow morning, first thing. Or I will. Grandma came to visit me in my room the following night. That time, as she perched on the end of my bed, there were no stories. Nothing like that. Grandma just sat there and stared down at me, her blue eyes wide and sad. The light from the moon outside my window lit up her wrinkled face. "You know I'd never let anything bad happen to you, don't you. She said after a moment. I nodded my head. "I know, grandma. You know I wouldn't let you come to any harm. I nodded again. "Okay, good. That's good. She looked away from me for a moment, out the window. "You know, the things I tell you in the evening are meant to help you, sweetheart. They're meant to toughen you up a bit. Protect you. She paused and shook her head. "But maybe your mum's right. Maybe I went too far this time. She looked down at me and smiled. But even then – even though I was only 10 years old – I could tell it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'll tell you what. grandma said. "You know what I told you about Mr Long Fingers, and the shower? Well, I'm going to make sure you're safe. I'll scare the bastard off, how about that? It won't come back in a hurry if it has to face me. I stared up at grandma, watching her face glow in the moonlight. Watching her smile down at me. I nodded my head, once. I was the one who found her. I don't know when exactly it happened, but I'd guess it was about a week after we had that talk in my room. A week after she told me she wouldn't let me come to any harm. I woke early that morning, from a bad dream, to a heavy thumping sound. I sat bolt upright in bed. My room was quiet around me, and I couldn't hear anything from the wall that joined my parents' room, either. But the house wasn't entirely silent. Floating down the hall, muffled by my closed door, I could hear the sound of rushing water. The noise of the shower. I leapt out of bed and ran down the upstairs hallway, heart already pounding in my chest. As soon as I reached the closed bathroom door, I started banging on it. A deep terror was welling up inside me like cold water from a well, something I couldn't place, and I kept banging and shouting "Grandma. over and over again, even though she didn't respond. Off to my right I was dimly aware of voices from my parents' room, the sleepy shuffle of footsteps, but before they had a chance to make it out onto the landing I'd lifted my hand to test out the door handle, more out of instinct than because I thought it might actually open. But the door wasn't locked. I kept banging with my free hand and it swung suddenly inwards, bringing me face-to-face with a wall of steam. Heat struck my skin. I squinted my eyes against the damp fog and peered into the bathroom. And before dad pushed me to one side – before everything around me descended into shouting, and tears, and chaos – I saw her. I saw grandma. She was lying naked on the floor in the shower cubicle, the water beating down around her. Blue eyes bulging from her face. One hand was curled against her chest, like a dead bird, while the other trailed against the glass of the shower cubicle – the flailing finger-marks she'd carved through the steam still clear and fresh. It was a heart attack that killed her. That's what my dad told me. He said grandma was old, and the thing had struck her quickly and suddenly. She would have died fast and without pain, dad said. She wouldn't have suffered.  I knew better, though. Even as a 10-year-old kid, I knew better. And years later, writing this as an adult, I still know better. I also know my wife and kids resent me for refusing to have a shower in the house. For insisting everyone take baths. They pretend it's okay, and they humour me, but I can tell they don't really understand it. Not at all. My wife thinks she does – she thinks I still carry the trauma of seeing my grandmother dying in front of me when I was little. I guess she's right, in a way. But she doesn't know the full truth. Nobody does. And no-one would believe me even if I told them. No one would believe me if I said the reason I don't take showers – the reason I haven't had one since I was 10 years old – isn't because I'm scarred from the sight of a dead body. It's because all those years ago, when I crept back in to the still-hot bathroom after the paramedics had taken grandma's body downstairs, I made sure to check the marks her fingers had carved through the steamed glass of the shower cubicle.    And those marks weren't just on the inside.

Watch full dark waters band. VICTIM WAS AT FAULT. It was the summer of 2016 and I had just married my long time girlfriend. Over the course of our 12 year relationship we had travelled to the mountains several times in both summer and winter for camping but also to stay in nice mountain hotels and snowboard the slopes. Naturally, we both agreed this was how we wanted to spend the first few weeks of our marriage. We booked a 20 day stay at a mountainside campground on the other side of the country. We also decided to bring our dogs with us as they too love being outdoors and we generally bring them camping anyway. After two days of road tripping we had arrived, quickly set-up and settled in for a good long stay on the mountain. It was beautiful. A couple of days into our trip and we had already met a bunch of fellow campers. We are very experienced campers so we generally attract a lot of attention from novice campers asking for tools or supplies as they see we are well set up. We are usually more than happy to help people get situated if they need matches, cream or sugar, or help setting up their equipment. It was day four or five when “she” first made her presence known to us. I will refer to this person as “she” or “her” as we never learned her name. We were sitting down under the shade of the large pine tree at the edge of our site, drinking beers and playing cards when she seemingly appeared out of no where. She was just suddenly right there! “Can I pet your dog? ” she said. Even my dogs didnt see her approach as the very sound of her voice triggered them into a startled frenzy. As the dogs were worked up already, I politely told her no. Then she just stood there, at the edge of our site. Didnt say a word. Just stood there sort of existing but not really doing anything. She wasnt exactly staring at us or looking at anything in particular. I asked her if she needed anything and she said no. After a few minutes she walked off. I work with people with brain injuries so Ive had my fair share of experiences with unusual behaviours including people with poor social skills so I wasnt about to write this person off as creepy just yet, but she had my attention. I casually watched her walk off and enter a campsite across the path and a few sites down from ours. There was already a small tent setup in the site, but she proceeded to pull an even smaller single person tent from her backpack and began setting it up. The day prior we saw two young girls set up the other tent and were clearly the occupants of the site. There was no further interaction with “her” that day although we did notice that the owners of the other tent on the site were not around at all that day and we didnt see them return that night. Well, the next morning I am walking to the camp showers to clean up for the day. As I walk past her site, I see she is sitting in her little tent reading a book. The door to the tent is open. I pay no attention and keep on my way to take my shower. When Im done my shower and walking back I notice her tent is now closed but its jiggling about so I know someone is in there. Then she made her presence known in a big way. Just as I am approaching her site on the way to mine, she unzips her tent and I immediately see that she is completely nude. She then positions herself just inside the tent at the door and lets out this over the top full body stretch and held her arms way up the sky while pushing her chest forward like it was some kind of mating ritual designed just for me. While she does this she lets out what I only describe as an exotic moan. It was pretty obvious she was putting on a show for me. I continue on my way to my site and tell my wife about the display I had just been witness too. We both laughed it off and moved on with our plans to day hike a good trail to a waterfall. The trailhead for this hike was accessible from the campgrounds so we didnt have to drive to get there. We just walked the additional two kilometres to the trail. We walked at a good pace so when we got to the trail we decided to stop for a few minutes and take some photos of the surrounding mountains before heading into the thicker bush. After sitting there for maybe five minutes while my wife is taking pictures, “she” emerges from the trail that leads towards the campground. At first I thought, ok coincidence, shes staying here and this is a pretty common trail. But then she sees that I see her and she stops dead in her tracks and just stands there. Same demeanour as our first encounter. Just standing, not doing anything in particular but also sending creep vibes our way. This was the first time I said to my wife, “I think we have a stalker! ” Confused, my wife then looks to where Im looking and is immediately a little creeped out. Once again I think, whatever maybe shes just hiking the trail no big deal. So we continue on the trail at a good pace and she maintains a consistent distance behind us. Our dogs at this point are a little distracted by her and our youngest dog keeps turning around to watch her. I got a little fed up with the dog constantly stopping to look back so I decided we will stop for some water and let this woman pass. Well what does she do, but fucking stop walking when we stop and once again just stands there. Ok so now we are genuinely concerned because this is approaching horror / suspense movie creep level and I start to wonder what this girls intentions are. Standing motionless at that distance and refusing to pass us just ramped up the oh shit factor to about nine. So my wife and I agree to just giver and cut the hike short by taking the shorter loop which was only another half kilometre ahead, and head back to our camp. We managed to get some distance between us by jogging every time we would make a turn and she was out of sight. We didnt see her again until later that night. That night my wife decided to take an evening shower at the camp showers. When she returned to our camp she tells me our stalker was in the bathrooms also taking a shower. This time however she was with two other girls and appeared to be getting ready for a night at the club. There is a nearby ski town that has a few night clubs and bars so it was reasonable to see the girls getting ready for a night out. The two girls she was with were the two we saw previously set up at her site. My wife explains that she quickly picked up on the fact that the two girls and our stalker friend were not well known to each other. It was clear that the two girls were close friends with plans to go out partying, and our stalker was making an attempt to be friends and sort of invited herself to join them in their night out. Now we know the ski town well, and the girls kept reinforcing that they were meeting at a specific restaurant before going to the bar. It was currently 10:30pm and we know the restaurant they were telling her to go to was closed at 10:00pm. They were lying to her about their plans. The stalker kept asking them too, “are you sure this place, are you sure? ” They convinced her, and she then left to her tent to finish getting ready while the two friends stayed in the bathroom to finish their makeup. My wife went on to explain how after “she” left the two friends were mocking and making fun of our stalker. They were young 20 somethings acting like little girls in elementary school. My wife has no time for that, creepy stalker or not she had to say something to the girls for their behaviour. My wife calls them out on their behaviour. Well, putting all the caddy bitch bullying aside, the girls explained to my wife that the stalker girl had set up her tent on their site when they were staying with a friend in the ski town. When they returned they found her living at their site without invitation. She had just taken it upon herself to take a little corner of their site without knowing them at all. The girls said they were upset with her and trying to make her feel uncomfortable so she would leave, but she wouldnt leave. Of course my wife asked them why they didnt just report her to the park warden. The excuse they gave was they were leaving the next day and didnt want to make a huge deal out it. So whatever happened between them and the fake late dinner plans and clubbing is unknown to us. About 3:00am that same night we are all awoken to a blood curdling scream right outside our camper. At first I was like “holy shit that must be a wild animal. ” My wife is trembling, dogs barking, and I am startled but curious. I peel back the window cover to see “her, ” standing motionless on the path outside our trailer. I had the window cover down maybe 8-10 centimetres when she appears to make direct eye contact with me. My heart rate is jacked. What the actual fuck. After gazing in my general direction for what seemed like an eternity, she calmly turns around and walks to her tent. I go make sure our trailer is locked. After a good hour, and a stiff whiskey we manage to get back to sleep. So the next day is a Friday we have friends from a nearby major city coming up the mountains to spend the weekend with us. We havent seen them in a while so we are excited for a couple days together. Well they are not at our site for 15 minutes, and as they are setting up their tent, “she” mysteriously appears out of nowhere yet again. Like bam there she is, but now this time she is actually in our site. I hadnt had a chance to tell our friends about her before she arrived so they were a little more friendly then I was. She asks me once again if she can pet my dog, who during all of this is barking at her. I think I said something like “she isnt being very friendly towards you right now so I would prefer if you didnt. ” She didnt pet my dog but she also just stood there starting at me like she was considering how she would dismember my limbs. “She” then notices our friends tent brand as he is still setting it up and comments on how its the same model as hers although a larger sleeping capacity. My buddy has picked up on the creep vibes and my general displeasure with her presence so just gives her the, “oh ya cool, ” and keeps setting it up. Well she starts grabbing at the tent pegs and picks up the hammer and says she will help him set it up cause she has experience with it. My buddy declines and asks for his tools back. Cue the fucking psychopath stare down but this time she has a hammer in hand, adding to the oh shit factor. She literally just drops everything right there and runs off. I go on to explain the last few days to our friends and they agree we need to keep an eye on her. So by this time the two girl friends whos site she had hijacked were packed up and gone. Its now Friday night and weve been drinking all day so were feeling pretty good. Its maybe about 11:00pm when “she” walks over to our site again. She says, “Hey, you guys seem to have a lot of extra room with the tent and the camper, do you think I could stay with you guys tonight? We could have a lot of fun in there together. ” My buddy is feeling pretty good from all the day beers so hes pretty forward when he replys, “ Did you just propose a gang bang to us? ” Now this whole time Im just sitting in my camp chair with my whiskey taking this all in. She wasnt really taking notice to me at all so far. Then, she smiles, turns her head and looks directly down at me and says, “I like your friend! ” She then turns around and walks away into the darkness of the night towards the forest. What! The! Fuck! We are all now terrified she is going to return. I decided right then and there if we see her again in a creepy fashion I am calling the park warden. This is getting silly. Well the night is winding down so we all decide to walk together to the bathrooms to clean up for bed. My wife pulls on my hoodie and says, “! ” I look over to see that the site she was setup on is completely destroyed. Shit everywhere. Just stuff, garbage, clothing, food. Everywhere. I thought ok this is weird, could this have been a bear. No we would have heard it. I then notice that the tent is gone. She is gone and left the site a complete mess. As luck would have it the park patrol was completing their fire rounds and were at the messed up site when we were returning from the bathrooms. We told them there was a girl staying on her who was acting erratic and we suspected she was squatting on the site based on our conversation with the two girls from earlier in the week. We didnt see her again for the rest of our trip until the last full day. There is a great little lookout point not far from our site which has amazing views of the river and valley below and it was a perfect evening to see the sunset behind the mountains! It was a lovely final send off to an otherwise beautiful honeymoon. Just when we thought we were done with “her” she emerged once again from seemingly nowhere. We were sitting on a couple chairs that are bolted in place at the viewpoint, taking pictures of the valley below. As my wife is looking throw the camera viewfinder she picks up on the woman in the distance. She is standing the in woods a little ways down mountain towards the valley. Watching us! As her final act, she walked up the mountainside, and sat right beside us on a boulder that was beside the chairs. She says nothing. Just sits there. My wife has the brilliant idea of asking me to take one last picture of the scenery and she gives me a little wink. I pick up on her idea right away and I position myself so this woman is going to be in the picture. My wife wanted this ladys photo in the event something bad happens with her before we can leave the area. We took our final looks out at the beautiful scenery and headed to our camp for the night. We didnt see or hear from “her” again. Upon reflection we agreed this woman had some serious mental health issues obviously. She had zero social skills, and we did witness her attempt to make friends with those two girls that shafted her in a terrible way. That being said, she did things way beyond the realm of acceptable social awkwardness. There were moments I though she would pull out a knife and kill us all where we stood. More than that, the stalking, the midnight screaming and running off into the woods at night was terrifying to us and I feel a story worthy of this sub. I do have the photo on a thumb drive somewhere and will see about uploading a pixelated photo if its appropriate. To anyone else the picture just looks like a person is sitting in the shot. But to us, its a reminder of our wild adventure and start of our amazing marriage. To our honeymoon Not Meet ever again.

I love how the wife ‘snaps the chair. He probably had a better hit on the golden real but it wasnt as big as the second so they made it seem like that smaller one (bigger hit) was like the bigger fish. Just makes it more exciting for viewers.



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