Incitement Free Download yesmovies at Dailymotion Mojo Hd-720p
- creator=Yaron Zilberman, Yair Hizmi
- genre=Thriller
- country=Israel
- Year=2019
- A psychological thriller, INCITEMENT follows the year leading to the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, from the point of view of the assassin. The film details, for the first time, the forces that act upon the assassin, including the religious and political incitement, the personal and the interpersonal turmoil. It is a psychological portrait of a political assassin seeking to kill democracy. It is also a portrait of a torn society on the brink of civil war
- 123 min
Kinda scary. THIS LOOKS AMAZING. Source: Unrolled: FreeTommyRobinson is trending, because some people seem to think Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a "hero" trying to bring child rape cases to light. He tends to focus on other ethnicities though. So let's take a closer look at some of #TommyRobinson's fellow EDL members, shall we? Meet Richard Price, former leader of the English Defence League. Convicted for possession of child pornography, and admitted making indecent images of children. Tommy Robinson began a "Free Richard Price" campaign in 2011. Meet Michael Coates, member of the English Defence League. Pleaded guilty to a total of eight charges of indecent assault and two of attempted rape in relation to a teenage girl, and a further four offences of indecent assault in relation to a second girl. Meet Brett Moses, member of the English Defence League. Confessed to flying to Canada to have sex with a 13 year old girl he'd groomed on the Internet, by claiming to be a 13 year old boy. He took an 11 hour bus journey to meet her in Grand Forks. Meet Matthew Woodward, member of the Deeside English Defence League. When police investigated, they discovered sexual correspondence between Woodward and a 13-year-old girl. Woodward pleaded guilty at Mold Crown Court to 16 offences. Meet Mark "Archie" Sleman, fellow member of the English Defence League. Convicted of kidnapping and sexually abusing a child. She was 10 years old. Meet Leigh Macmillan, a senior member of the English Defence League. Sentenced for seventeen years for sexually abusing a 10 year old girl. Over five years, he sexually assaulted her over 100 times. Meet Peter Gillett, member of the English Defence League. Convicted for 18 years for rape and sexual assault of two girls and a boy, aged 8. Tommy Robinson refused to condemn his actions. Meet John Broomfield, member of the English Defence League and British National Party. First arrested for planning a terrorist attack on a mosque. One year later, Broomfield was convicted for downloading 236 child porn images featuring babies and children. Meet Kane Hutchison, member of the English Defence League. Sentenced to three years for sexually assaulting a 13 year old boy after promising to take him to a football match. Further accused of inciting two teenage boys to perform sexual acts on the internet. Meet Wayne Kirby, member of the English Defence League and Tommy Robinson supporter. He raped a woman as she lay next to her baby, after climbing through her window as she slept and putting his hand over her mouth. DNA later identified him as the attacker. Meet Dale Hewitt, member of the English Defence League. Jailed for ten years for drugging and raping multiple girls aged 13 and 14. He threatened them with machetes, and abducted one child, later rescued by police. Meet Michael Kinnear, member of the English Defence League. Convicted in 2010 after grooming a 13 year old girl, whom he sexually assaulted. Convicted again in 2015 for inciting a 7 year old girl into committing sexual acts for pornography. Meet Trevor Vinson, member of the English Defence League. Jailed for 21 years after filming himself repeatedly sexually assaulting a 3 year old girl. And for the people claiming Tommy left the EDL because of this, keep in mind he left in 2013 (after starting a "Free Richard Price" campaign) and explain why is it that he, the alleged champion of sexually abused children, remains silent when it comes to child abusers in the EDL. Meet Bernard Holmes. Supporter of the English Defence League. Convicted in 2009 for attacking a man, leaving him brain damaged. Jailed for violent EDL March in 2012. Convicted 2 days ago for beating his partner until she vomited blood for rejecting his proposal. Tommy is "dedicated" to exposing child sex abuse. Ignores it in his own group. Tommy rails against illegal immigrants. Convicted for using a false passport + fake name to sneak illegally into the US. Tommy rails against asylum seekers. Begs Trump to grant him political asylum.
เห็นแล้วอยากทำงานด้วย อยากไปโดนว่าโดนสอน อยากพัฒนาตัวเอง อิจฉาทุกคนที่มีโอกาส ผมจะมาบ่นทำไมนิ 5555. Lenii never kong iboboto. Enough of all of this. Incitement free download games. Good evening to our dear current and future Boosteroid subscribers, who enjoy playing of the best videogames 24 hours a week with our cloud Service. Here is another output of Weekly Digest News from Boosteroid, and we know how to surprise you! 🙀🙀🙀 First the most sensational new for this Black Friday week is special super attractive offer from Boosteroid – 100 subscribers can get 50% discount for 1 month of unlimited gaming with Boosteroid, what means you`ll pay only EUR 4. 99 instead of EUR 9. 99 to use one month subscription for Boosteroid Cloud Gaming Service. 🐅🐅🐅 “Jumanji: The Video Game” was already released 🐅🐅🐅 These gamers who doesn`t want to play “Death Stranding” or “GTA” developer Bandai Namco had already released corporative adventure “Jumanji: The Video Game”. 🐅🐅🐅 For better understanding how game look creators made trailer with the voice of Riese Derby, comic guy and actor from New Zealand who played the character of scientist in movie “Jumanji: Call of Jungles”, which explained game rules to the players. Same he does in new videogame. 🐅🐅🐅 Players can choose one of four charismatic characters – archeologist Smolder Bravestone, cartographer Shelly Oberon, zoologist Franklin Finbar or mercenary Ruby Roundhouse. All of them try to find a treasure, defeat from the army of protectors along with bypassing traps and solving puzzles. (Igromania) 🐅🐅🐅 Price: 40 (available for PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One) 🦹♂️🦹♂️🦹♂️ “Superman Video Game” from Warner Bros was cancelled 🦹♂️🦹♂️🦹♂️ The DC Universe fans always wait for new stories and video games about their favorite heroes. And one of the game which was never created is about Superman`s open world. Last week video game writer James Sigfield had provided some details regarding the canceled Superman games. 🦹♂️🦹♂️🦹♂️ As Sigfield explained, Warner Bros. started to work on an open world Superman far in 2013. The gameplay had to take place in Metropolis and feature many DC villains. Another project about Superman was “Superman: Unbound” which supposedly had to follow the Brainiac comic book and animated film storyline. 🦹♂️🦹♂️🦹♂️ “This game was set to take place almost entirely in a city called Kandor. For those unfamiliar, Kandor is a Metropolis-like city from Krypton that was shrunk and bottled up by Brainiac before the planets explosion. The game was supposed to be less “open world” so as to limit Supermans vast array of abilities. This game was to feature foes such as Brainiac, Doomsday, and tons of other mind controlled villains“. – twitted developer. 🦹♂️🦹♂️🦹♂️ At the moment the main reason why “Superman: Unbound” was cancelled for now is that Warner Bros. wanted the game to be played on the “Batman: Arkham” engine, which wasnt possible at the time. Same reason cancellation happened to “Suicide Squad” video game. (Heroichollywood) 🗣🗣🗣 Chinese kids and teenagers became limited in gaming hours 🗣🗣🗣 No matter how old are you, but with Boosteroid you are personality and no one can tell you how long and how much games you can play. All is up to you. 🗣🗣🗣 But Chinese government decided to find in gaming virtual addiction between minors specially. That`s why they have introduced new regulation to gaming industry, which means that gamers under 18 will be banned from playing online between 22:00 and 08:00 and will be restricted to 90 minutes of gaming on weekdays and three hours on weekends and holidays. 🗣🗣🗣 New law became part of China's latest move to curb video game addiction, which is damaging to children's health. All new guidelines will be applied to every online gaming platforms operating in China and will address enforcement concerns directly. (BBC) 🕶🕶🕶 Gaming creator “Naughty Dog” prepares a secret PS5 multiplayer game 🕶🕶🕶 After great release of “Death Stranding” next big project from Sony is “The Last Of Us Part II”. Developers claims that it going to be something fabulous and it will not have a multiplayer mode, what sounds ridiculous as previous part`s multiplayer had a lot of fans. 🕶🕶🕶 But then Naughty Dog has given another clue as to what will follow it: lead game designer Vinit Agarwal made tweet about job advertise. 🕶🕶🕶 “We want someone who is passionate about online games and is willing to jump into a variety of systems including server technologies, core game networking, matchmaking, player data storage, and virtual store transactions while maintaining a high standard for reliability and information security”, reads the full job ad. 🕶🕶🕶 And this made the secret project much easy to guess, close time we may hear the announcement about multiplayer mode for the “The Last Of Us Part 2”. So let`s follow the updates then, until May 29th, 2020 new chapter will be released. (Metro) 🚌🚌🚌 Gaming can be charity if you play “Desert Bus” 🚌🚌🚌 Very easy and worse game in the world as of the NewYorker “Desert Bus” was never released game from Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors. But that is not what makes it famous. If you play it you may help gather money for the Child's Play hospital. 🚌🚌🚌 Every year a group of selfless volunteers start playing of this boring game for hours to raise money for charity. Only this year it helped to collect 865, 015, and more than 5 million over 13 years since the “Desert Bus for Hope” had started its way. 🚌🚌🚌 The game is really boring – players must drive a virtual bus from Tucson, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada and after they reach their destination, they got one point and asked if they want to make the trip back. Every time they turn back and forth donations will continue. Volunteers will try to save you from boredom with song, dance, human pyramids, etc and all process is translated on Twitch, and you can donate at (Engadget) 🌝🌝🌝 Online game "Bad News" shows which news are fake 🌝🌝🌝 A lot of times we read news and then we verified that it was fake, what was very annoying, wasn`t it? Now the solution was found – computer game “Bad News” from the University of Cambridge allows people to deploy Twitter bots, photo-shop evidence and incite conspiracy theories has proven effective at raising their awareness of "fake news. 🌝🌝🌝 Only last year 15, 000 users played the "Bad News" and results showed it was possible to train the public to be better at spotting propaganda. "Research suggests that fake news spreads faster and deeper than the truth, so combatting disinformation after the fact can be like fighting a losing battle. said the director of CDSM Lab's Sander van der Linden. 🌝🌝🌝 After playing of the game players become for 21 percent less likely to believe fake news than they were before. Now “Bad News” available on nine languages, including German, Serbian, Polish and Greek, and translating for other languages is on. (Jakartapost) 🌝🌝🌝 Price: FREE (available for PC. 👨✈️👨✈️👨✈️ No blood and injuries if protests and fights go through VR in "Liberate Hong Kong" 👨✈️👨✈️👨✈️ In the fight for democracy Hong Kongers had found a way to stay at home and at the same time to show their protest. For this case now you can try to be protester with VR headset in new game "Liberate Hong Kong" created by the group of Hong Kong activists. 👨✈️👨✈️👨✈️ Video game causes a lot of controversy, but it still save people from injuries and argument in real life. During playing it you can don and dodge tear gas and rubber bullets in the nighttime clash at the district of Mong Kok. 👨✈️👨✈️👨✈️ "This game will give you an experience you can't get from reading news or watching live on TV about the protests. – comment the game one of the developers and a spokesman for the team Jane Lam. 👨✈️👨✈️👨✈️ The idea to develop such game came to creators when Blizzard Entertainment had punished local e-sports player Ng "Blitzchung" Wai Chung for shouting a pro-democracy slogan during a livestreamed interview following a competition win. (Straittimes) 🎤🎤🎤 Electronic musician Avicii invite gamers to complete intergalactic journey 🎤🎤🎤 If you like Avicii‘s music and gaming you can now try new video game “AVICII Invector” which will be released December 10 for XBOX One and PC, later for PlayStation 4 and in physical formats. Also the game will follow an Avicii tribute concert in Stockholm, Sweden on December 5. 🎤🎤🎤 Space adventure video game will challenge players to complete an intergalactic journey, along with 25 great Avicii`s songs, for example Usher-assisted “Without You” and Aviciis iconic “Levels”. Game is available for playing at single and multiplayer mode with three different difficulty levels. 🎤🎤🎤 At the same time Avicii`s video game will make charity donations - 25% of the game sale profits will go to the Tim Bergling Foundation, founded by Aviciis parents, and dedicated to raise awareness about mental illness and advocate for suicide prevention. (Dancingastronaut. Thats all news what we have gathered for you this week, hope you have enjoyed the time with Boosteroid. And now let`s go gaming! 🎮🎮🎮 Have you already tried all FREE games from Boostore catalogue? Because there are more than 50 available to play for FREE as nowhere else! 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Incitement free download software. The Sequel. Hitler And Jojo In The Bunker. The trailer gives me anxiety. Incitement free download music. Set in early 90's, director Yaron Zilberman's sophomore feature film follows a young university student who becomes a radical leader determined to exterminate the enemy among his Jewish community, as he engages on a political war against Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Rising star Yehuda Nahari Halevi gives a breakthrough performance as the villain protagonist, building up his character with incredible skills: he must fulfill his duties with family, friends and girlfriend, all while trying to organize a fully-armed, rebel movement. Israel's official entry for the 2020 0scars, and named Best Film by the Israeli Film Academy, it captures the anxiety and tension of the crime with extreme brilliance and fast paced action, while connecting the crime to relevant romantic and familiar insights. Zilberman conceives a suspenseful, detailed and observational psychological thriller depicting a man's journey from a regular activist guy to a notorious murderer.
აუ რა კაი ჩაააანს. რა მოიცდის გამოსვლამდე ეე. Incitement free download video. Thak you sir. Incitement free download site. Steal their land, murder their people and they don't love you. Summary Blog Images Reviews Downloads Play Lists General Features: Approximate game length – about 10 hours - 7 playable characters, each with their own weapon preference and special moves - Travel through a variety of sci-fi locations, ranging from space stations to mutant labs, utopian cities to battle-torn cities, underwater bases to robot factories, and many others - A story thats full of twists and turns at every corner! Badass boss fights which will challenge you - A battle system that allows characters swapping during the battle, which provides the player with a chance to optimize their strategy and involve the whole cast to take part in those challenging boss battles - Complete various side quests by helping out the people in the cities - A chance to make in-game decisions and build relationships with your team members, which will affect not only the ending, but also some of the future events too - A single dynamic ending that changes its disposition between good, neutral, and bad, depending on major in-game decisions The Plot: This story takes place on a small group of planets and space stations dominated by a Sophorian alien race. In their society they also have some humans and one other alien race. The humans are said to be the survivors of an apocalypse and have come from the planet Gaia, which is now known to be a war-torn wasteland. The Sophorians still continue to look for more human survivors, however, and fully integrate them into their society. The latest human arrivals have been put on the space station Chimera. However, a few months later a conflict had occurred on Chimera. One of the humans created a small following and initiated a rebellion against the Sophorian government. The Sophorian government responded to it incredibly quickly and immediately issued troops to quarantine the entire station and kill every human on it! Why was there a need for such drastic measures? And why did that small group of humans revolt so suddenly? Whats Sophorian government planning exactly and with what purpose? It is now up to you to start your journey amidst the conflict on Chimera, travel from planet to planet, assemble a team, and eventually get to the bottom of this. Trailer: Latest Blog Updated to version 1. 4 Hey everyone. I've just made a big update on the game. It is now v1. 4. Here is a list of changes made in this version: Created two difficulty modes: Casual and Original - Added Ammo Stations to the game on Casual mode - Some enemy abilities have been locked on Casual mode and are only used in Original - Reduced encounter rate in some areas - Balanced enemy resistances - All enemies that didn't drop money before, now drop sellable items - Each playable character now has an attacking skill that uses no ammo - Some skills will now be acquired at earlier character levels - Slightly increased actor hit chance/accuracy - Increased EXP gain from some early game enemies - Shortened healing and assault rifle fire animation lengths - Turned down the volume of some sound fx - Balanced item prices: Healing pills are now 15 astras - Stimulants - 20 - Painkiller balms - 15 - Curative tonics - 15 In other news, Incitement 3 is now in the final beta stage of development and I am aiming for a release sometime in May. Many thanks for the support. Completed Developer Matseb2611 Engine RPG Maker VX Ace Genre Adventure RPG Date Added 06/26/2013 11:33 AM Date Updated 06/12/2015 09:40 AM Date Completed 06/18/2013 Profile Views 58501 Subscribers 35 Total Downloads 2770 Posts subbed but no download even though it says it is completed? love the sound of this one, would love to play it. author=Bladezuez subbed but no download even though it says it is completed? love the sound of this one, would love to play it. Thank you. The page just got approved, so I'm going to add a download link very shortly. Played for about 30 min so far. This game is pretty cool. I usually can't stand the generated faces, but they actually fit really well in this game (particularly with the sophorians. And I like the little things like item tooltips and requiring ammo to attack/skills. kwel so that means that I caught it mid-setup. I am downloading the game now and will let you know what I think in a few days. Thank you both. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game, and I'll be very interested to hear on any feedback and critique. I'm getting pumped up by the trailer alone! Are the musics of this game original? Did someone compose them for this title only? I'll start playing it soon, and review it sometime. Heya. Thank you for checking out the game. I hope you'll enjoy it. If you have any questions or are stuck, then feel free to ask. As for the musics, no, most of them are either freebies posted on the forums or from resource packs, but I tried to make sure not to use much of the RTP tracks, since they are quite overused (you might only hear about 3-4 of RTP tracks and even then in very short scenes. Linkis Don't hate me cause I'm Cute: 1025 OK, so far so go: BUT, the bad buy is getting away and the good guys are looking for a key to extend the bridge or find another way across to get a ship to vacate the killing zone; Since I'm playing on the smaller screen, although I'm not sure that really matters, I can't see all the little places to hide the key. Can I get a little help please? Thanks Heya. Thanks for checking out the game. The key is actually on one of the dead bodies. It's the guy inside the office-like place just next to the door. Matseb, that can't be true. The main character says he is wasting time check all the dead bodies: tried to throw me off hey. OK, back to checking those smelly corpses. Hehe, sorry about that. The ones at the very start didn't have anything, but some of the ones in the Sigma sector do have stuff on them, especially the troopers. Always keep in mind to check any dead troopers or soldiers for the upcoming parts of the game, because some of them have ammo and other goodies. This game is well-crafted. I like the down-to-earth dialogue and the battle animations. I think the enemy drawings are also well-done. I am several hours into play. About to infiltrate the government office in the city at night. I like the absence of easy restoration points. Money is difficult to come by, but isn't really necessary. I also like the idea of ammunition. I ran into a strange bug shortly after the alien Lieutennant joined my party in the base on the desert planet. Side-battling graphics for the characters appeared and were there in every battle. The bug disappeared when I reloaded a saved game. Hello Zachary_Braun. I am glad to hear you're generally enjoying the game. Yeah, it can be a little hard in places (the last 2-3 boss fights might be particularly challenging, but there are strategies to beating them, so feel free to ask if you are struggling on those. The sequel will be made easier in difficulty, but will also a include a challenging difficulty mode in case someone does want more challenge. Yes, you're right. I think that bug is related to one of the scripts and I think I know why. I'll try to fix it in the next update, but for now as you said, saving and re-loading the game fixes it. Hope you enjoy the rest of the game. Currently trying to take down what may be one of those bosses. (Don't want to spoil anything for those uninitiated reading this. Hits hard. Thank goodness for that Heal All skill. The AI a few hours back was also tough. If I were to have one complaint about the game, it's that some early skills seem much more useful than some later ones. If both shots hit, Double Shot does about the same damage as Power Shot while also expending much less ammunition. I could also never find an appropriate place to use the elemental skills. Although, I am getting older, and I tend to prioritize skills that do the most raw damage. I like that most skills remained useful in some way throughout the game. Ha ha, remember going through Final Fantasy and those level 1 spells became useless over time? In this way at least, I'm glad that RPGs are evolving a little. Looking forward to your next game. Oh wow, cool. Glad to hear you've already gotten that far. Yeah, I'll try to make skills a bit more balanced in the sequel. I think the double attack skills at the moment have the best damage per ammo ratio. Hehe, yep, I do remember the early game skills becoming useless in FF games and other old school RPGs. For the two final bosses, there are several strategies you can use. First of I would highly recommend using buffs, especially Enforce (team Def buff) and Regeneration Mist (team HP regen. Having the right equipment can be a life saver too. If you find Aelon or any other low Def characters getting killed too quickly, it might be a good idea to buy the Unblemished Armor (the best body armor) for him/them. The other characters can keep something a bit lesser (like Elite armor. Shields will greatly help too since the elemental ones will decrease dmg from that element by 50. The first of the final bosses pretty much only uses physical, fire, and cold dmg types, so it's best to put fire or cold shields to your team. Also worth noting, Anku, being a robot, has a good resistance to cold. And Darmek has a small resistance to fire but a slight weakness to cold (giving him a cold shield would mean he is slightly resistant to fire and cold. Hopefully this will help you against the first of the final bosses. For the second one just have some protection against paralysis, keep buffing your team if he casts any of the debuffs, and also keep a note of which shield he activates - he will keep switching between physical and elemental shields. These last few bosses were initially even harder, but then I updated the game and made them slightly weaker (after some feedback. Though I might tone them down even more if they prove to be too hard. Thanks again for checking out the game. how the hell do you get money in this game, none of the monsters seem to drop it, the only money I've been able to get is from the second boss. also I can't seem to be able to heal up anywhere making it very difficult to level up. Hi. Where in the game are you at? If you mean the desert creatures, then yeah, I figured it would seem immersion-breaking if random monsters dropped money, but these parts of the game are rare. I do agree though that some aspects of it aren't as balanced as they should be (like the money drop rate or locations of the health stations. I'm probably going to release an update very soon, so hopefully that will make things better. The second game will definitely improve on these aspects too. Well, I am going to have to give the entire thing a playthrough and then give you a review (seeing as nobody has yet, which kind of sucks cause this deserves a review. I should have some extra time this week, consider this thing beaten, lol. On another note, your music on this fits perfectly, especially things from that 'hyde' guy. You should really go tell people to buy his stuff. lmao. But no, you did do very well choosing the right music for the right scenes. I am very picky with how music is used myself and I honestly believe you did awesome. Hehe, thanks Hyde. Yep, your music definitely fits with some of those boss fights. I shall greatly look forward to your review then and hope you enjoy the game. Downloading and playing this one and later the 2nd part too(that i have previusly download. I will made a letsplay about it, but in Spanish, will you mind if i do? when it happens i post here the link, only ask for your approbal. I think this 2 game are a very goods ones. Cheers.
Incitement free download mp3.
Really well done. The story is compelling and the acting is seamless and fantastic especially the lead actor. I was also impressed by the editing. They used real footage of real events and combined them into the new footage is a seamless and a very skilled fashion, impressive. Incitement free download mp3.
As a wave of violence hits Israel? What, like operation Cast Lead? or operation Protective Edge? Have hundreds of children been killed? Were there 2000 plus casualties? Massive bombing campaign? Nuclear state? But these kids are playing GTA 5? Wow the bogosity of this propaganda is staggering, you would need the mind of a child to buy this. Incitement free download. Didn't the lying sack Schiff have evidence for 2 years. Incitement free download game. Level 1 Paul Heyman should manage AoP. level 1 Two weeks straight Roman is beaten to an easily beatable state but no, Mr. Money in the Bank needs to wait till Hell in a Cell so the champ's friends wont interfere, the same friends who were also beaten down to the point where they would be in no condition to interfere. Yep, makes perfect sense. level 1 I turned it off when Ronda came out. Went and watched Blue Mountain State on Netflix level 1 Like what the fuck was that episode? None of that made sense. At all. level 1 I was dying of laughter the whole show. My roommate (first time seeing WWE) took one look at Lashley and said "his arm's the size of my head. 10/10, almost wanna watch next week but will be disappointed. level 1 WWE didn't even try to keep up. ALL IN took the wrestling landscape by storm and they haven't one competitive bone in their bodies left. So what the hell did I just watch? A ruined Kevin Owens storyline, a HBK / TAKER 2010 revival segment and. some other shit. I've subscribed after months for Summerslam. but I'm cancelling right now again. What's up with that low effort mentality? level 1 This was the weirdest episode of raw possibly ever but I loved almost everything on it. level 1 That bump Seth took last night was nasty. level 1 Im just happy to see Chad Gable on TV and getting cheered level 1 I came into this show expecting the same old Raw and just feel not into it after watching All In. But holy shit, this was the most bizzare episode of Raw Ive ever seen and it was fucking great. Just so many random stuff happening out of nowhere. This definitely has to be the most memorable Labor Day weekend in wrestling history. level 1 They spent so much time talking about "respect" I thought Hideo Itami was gonna come out and start kicking people in the face. level 1 This is my prediction for how WWE Evolution will end: Say the main event is Ronda vs Nikki. Ronda wins the match, Nikki and Brie then proceed to hug her crying. The entire womens roster comes down and hugs each other, crying as well. Stephanie McMahon then comes out. She says tonight they made history and there will be more to come. Proceeds to do the YES chant as they go off the air. God I wish I was a betting man. level 2 Im more of a high stakes man. Im betting Batista and Orton run in during the main event, powerbomb and RKO a few of the women, and then they get on the ropes and pose shirtless for the crowd. HHH and Ric Flair then walk towards the ring, Flair dancing on his way. HHH Pedigrees one of the women getting up, then Flair gets a mic, rips off his shirt and yells out, THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH IS GOING TO SPACE MOUNTAIN TONIGHT! WOOOOOOOO cue Evolution by Motörhead level 1 lmao how tf are the shield the faces in this? they came out to beat up braun & co after braun got revenge for shield jumping him. then they break out of jail and steal a police vehicle and finally get jumped by being outnumbered which is literally what they do all the time and did to braun 2 weeks ago. but hey their the good guys in the feud level 1 I really liked the past 3 weeks of RAW. Action, chaos, turns, always 100% logic but fuck it it's wrestling. Let's go, RAW! level 1 I was disappointed to see Kevin Owens come back so soon. I wanted to see him lay low until Hell in a Cell, and then hide under the ring during the Braun/Roman match and pop out and cost Braun the match as retaliation. They could have really built up the "we're using the cell to keep Roman and Braun in, and the Shield, Dolph and Drew out" narrative, and have him be the sole schmozzy aspect in the match. KO costing Braun his contract after "quitting" for a month would have gotten some heat back after getting squashed for two months. level 1 The finish to the Alexa/Natalya match was really freaking stupid. And no, I don't care how they try to justify it, it made no sense. level 1 im still laughing at AOP drake maverick, but i support whatever puts the belts on those fuckin units level 1 I think the 3 hours is working against them. If you cut like 30 to 45 min from this Raw, its arguably IMO the best Raw we got in a long while. Booking decisions aside, twist-wise its the most unpredictable Raw for a long time. Like, I refuse to believe there were people that knew that this week that Dolph and Drew wins the tag title and there is gonna be this big pseudo-faction led by Braun. EDIT: words level 2 twists and turns are good if they make sense and done properly. For example, Akira Tozawa winning the CW Title from Neville on a random RAW last year just because Vince wanted a title change is dumb. Considering Neville won it back 2 weeks later at the PPV. level 2 Plenty of twists but it wouldve been nice if ANY of them made sense.
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Incitement free download soccer. Israel is a beautiful country, has beautiful people, culture and a true friend! Love from India! ❤. Incitement free download songs. If it is true that Ymir is the original Founding Titan and that Eren is the final Attack Titan, then chances are that the entire AOT series revolves around these two characters. In chapter 121, we learn that the Attack Titan has the ability to see the memories of all it's successors. We've already known that Shifters have the ability to look into the memories of their predecessors to varying levels of success (stronger if shifter is blood tied) The Founding Titan seems to have an even greater capacity to view memories of their previous shifters and also have the ability to manipulate these memories: erase, change, control, etc. I. Ymir the Founder is special: According to the story, Ymir once possessed the abilities of all 9 titans, and being the progenitor, she was royal blood. With our new knowledge about the Attack Titan, chances are that Ymir was "above" time itself, and probably had access to the memories of (at least) ALL future Attack Titans. All the way to the final one (presumably) Eren Jaeger. And being Titan Founder, she had access to the coordinate and could literally walk through future memories as easily as Zeke and Eren are walking through Grishas. I do not know what became of Ymir, and why she is a slave to the Pathsland and royal blooded shifters, but if you're wondering if she knows or knew who Eren Jaeger is, She most certainly did/does. Another thing to remember is that it is implied that no Eldian separated by time or space can escape the reach of the Founding Titan. After all, as we have just seen, past, present and future are happening simultaneously. Karl Fritz erased the memories of everyone of an entire country while commanding millions more to harden to form giant walls. Another Founding Titan allegedly changed the genetic DNA of all Eldians to avoid a plague. And every time someone receives titan spinal fluid, anywhere on the planet, turns into a Titan made up of the blood and bones that Ymir crafts for them in pathsland. So, if Ymir can craft and manipulate the bodies and minds of Eldians via paths, and if Ymir can gain all the memories of all Attack Titans after her (since that is the ability of the Attack Titan, specifically) then she too has seen the future that Eren saw. What did she think of it? Did she see the hope that Eren saw? Or did she only see despair like Grisha? There's a reason why we have Uri speaking of a future time in which the world is destroyed. There's a reason why the Founding Titan and all of its worshipers, cursed the Eldians and their "devil blood. There's a reason why the Royal family seemed to have always been portrayed as neutral or ashamed of their "history. However, I will argue now that, this shame of a sinful people, was not born based off of the memories of how the Eldian Empire began, but based off of how the world will end. Yes, the same loophole that caused Eren to view his own future memories through his fathers eyes, is the same thing ALL Founding Titans saw. After all, royal blooded Founding Titan Shifters have the ability via paths to get memories all the way back to Ymir the Founder. Through Ymir the Founder, the first Attack Titan, they were also able to see the memories of all future Attack Titans. So, the sins that Founding Titan shifters continue to preach about, isn't about the past, but the future. So, initially, did Ymir see hope in this destructive future? No. I would imagine that doing whatever it took to prevent it, must've have been the goal. Even if that meant sacrificing her people and their freedoms in the process. Her will, memories, warnings, despair, desperation and fears reverberated throughout all time in her Shifter descendants. (Not just founding titan descendants. If you're wondering why the Founding, Warhammer, Armored and Beast Titan Shifters all share a similar vibe of self-loathing, shame and a desire to die, their connection to Ymir the Founder can be the reason why. After all, Grisha was the one who said, unlike the other 8, the Attack Titan never really "obeyed. I looked at this as, the Attack Titan never really followed the status quo and probably stirred trouble endlessly throughout the ages. Ymir, was a child. Historia seems to "be" Ymir to levels we don't understand yet. But, if that is the case, then their personalities were probably very similar. At least, that is what Freida said. I'll get into Historia later, but for now, if you go with my theory that FT Shifters saw the future through Ymir, then it would stand to reason that Frieda (And Ymir) knew Historia's fate as well. So, it gives new meaning to when Freida tells Historia to try her best to be like Ymir/Christa. (More on that in a bit. Ymir, the Founder probably felt beyond guilty, since she is the cause for the Titan curse in the first place, whether she did it of her own free will or not. Preventing that future by any means necessary had to be her goal. BUT, she had another force working against her. II. Eren Jaegar is what happens when chance meets fate. If Eren did not have the Attack Titan, he would not have been able to see the future. If Eren did not have the Founding Titan, he would not have been able to make it to pathsland. If he did not make it to pathsland with someone of royal blood, he would not have been able to "use" these powers to the degree that he has. If he had not been related to Zeke or Grisha, the emotional connection would have been lacking and would have lead to much different results. (e. g. Could he have manipulated Zeke and/or Grisha as easily. Clearly, there has never been a point in the past 2, 000 years that the Attack Titan and Founding Titan were held by the same Shifter with access to royal blood: Master of the past and future. Now, it should be noted that just like non-royal shifters, you don't need royal blood to see the memories of past shifters. But family blood makes it easier and royal blood injects steroids into the ability. I am assuming the same thing is that of the future. Had Eren a successor, I am sure he would've seen a few of his/her memories. But, narratively speaking, Eren has to be the last. Thus, he has no future memories. Then, in chapter 121 we learned that when Eren unlocked his fathers memories, he also saw "his"future memories, through his fathers eyes. Then, we see that Eren 'sent" memories back to Grisha and manipulated/scared him into doing his will. Presumably to create the future he saw. Whatever Eren saw, it seemed to give him hope. At least, he deeply hopes so. That's the long and short of it. Remember, this is only possible because he is in pathsland and he touched Zeke. While they are memory traveling, it would be easier to just look at Eren as a royal blooded AT/FT Shifter. If he were in control of the setting, he could traverse the past of any Founding Titan or Attack Titans. Considering the incident in which Kruger blurts out Mikasa and Armins names, it's safe to say that Eren isn't done manipulating past Shifters for the sake of his quest for Freedom. So, since Eren is the end point of all Attack Titans, in theory, any past Attack Titan could've had glimpses and memories of Eren's future. And just like Ymir's "will" has reverberated throughout time through her descendants, Eren's will has potentially reverberated throughout time through his predecessors. Yet, the main memory that both Founding Titans and Attack Titans are referring to is the destructive vision that Eren sees. i. e. Ragnorak. Ymir and her 8 Titan descendants try to avoid this future by, damning their blood, while Eren and his Titan predecessors fight to bring it about. But this "will" was born with Eren. Whether his predecessors worked towards this goal via freedom or manipulation, doesn't matter - freedom will always be a debatable thing. But the bottomline is that Eren gave the Attack Titan the will of seeking freedom, not the other way around. This is dangerous - For, from the perspective of Ymir, the Attack Titan is the one titan trying to bring about Ragnorak. It's clear from this point that the Attack Titan is, inherently, the Devil. An agent of chaos and destruction. Of manipulation and trickery. People are much happier being sheep and those who wish to change things are always the "devil. Funny, Eren was saying similar things like this in Chapter 1. Some other points Shifter memories are almost like info dumps where they are downloaded into new shifter. There isn't any confusion or haziness when a Shifter receives or "relives" these memories. It's clear as a bell. Think of Bran from Game of Thrones. Eren views "life" as freedom. So when he says, People tried to take away my freedom, so I will take away theres. He's more or less saying, anyone who tries to take my life, I will take theres. The definitions of freedom, slavery, peace and truth will be brought up again and again until this series is over. III. Everyone forgets the Warhammer Titan, but really it might be the most important piece. Why else would Eren go out of his way to steal it? If the goal was to get Zeke to Paradis and gets to pathsland, then why even take the WHT? He certainly left Reiner and Porco unnecessarily alive. The only conclusion I can come up with is that the Warhammer Titan is the glue to this pathland plot. The Warhammer is based off of Thor, but more specifically the Warhammer "tool" isn't first and foremost a weapon. It was a crafting tool that symbolically represented creation, protection, courage, etc. It is a building and crafting device. In other words, if there was a Titan that should be synonymous with craftsmen or creator or builder, it would be the Warhammer Titan, not the Founding Titan. Now, Ymir was also the first WHT, so it doesn't make a difference in terms of her character. For example, The Attack Titan maybe be able to "see" the future while the Founding Titan maybe able to "erase" memories, but the crafting of new armor, walls, memories & bodies? That sounds like a Warhammer characteristic. Based off this theory, the genetic manipulation and altering of all Eldians must be done with the help of the WHT Power, which IMO, is why Eren was hellbent on getting it. In other words, if you think that the Warhammer Titan had no part in building the Three Walls of Paradis, you are fooling yourself. It doesn't matter if the FT commanded them to hold hands and harden, it isn't an architect. The WHT can literally craft "anything" out of sheer will. The Walls, IMO, were a joint effort created by the FT and WHT, which makes sense, since having access to royal blood amplifies your Titan abilities by like 10, 000 and these two Shifters were aligned to end the Eldian empire. Why is this important? Because, when in contact of royal blood, these WHT abilities are probably amplified and probably extend to the Pathsland. I do not know what the WHT is capable of in pathsland, but it can potentially be a trump card that Eren hasn't shown yet, or has shown and we haven't noticed. (I can imagine crafting fake memories to manipulate Zeke) Either way, we will find out soon enough, but I can surmise that the WHT, in many ways, is the power that Ymir uses when she creates new bodies from the sands of the Paths realm. All of this is a way to say, it is time for the Devil to meet Ymir (again. IV. Historia is Ymir. I do not know how, I do not know when, but Historia is Ymir. It is in much the same way that Eren is the Devil. And like the Devil and Ymir, I am pretty sure that Eren and Historia have already made a deal or a pact of some sort. After all, if it is true that Eren received his complete memories from the Reiss incident and saw the role he played, then we should really assume that Historia gained memories as well. It would be weird if she didn't, considering she got 104 Ymir's memories from a letter she wrote. Eren has the Attack Titan and Founding if Historia did not get anything specific in that moment, this dance between Historia and Eren definitely continued long after the hand kiss and long before their theorized meeting. The only people that Eren could confide in with the burden of the memories he had (And potentially visions of the future) would be Zeke and Historia. However, Eren states that he used to believe that he and Zeke were the same, but they weren't. Historia would be the only one who would understand AND she states in the Uprising Arc that she would honestly, always have his back, even if the world turns on him. Here are some of my favorite quotes from Historia to Eren "So, the next role I have to play is Queen? Okay, I can do it. Exterminate the Titans? What a pain in the ass! Who'd Volunteer to do that. In fact I think Humanity's the problem! We should just let the Titans destroy mankind. Guess that makes me humanity's enemy! The worst, most despicable girl in history. I'm letting you get away from here, and then. I'll destroy everything. And my favorite Quote. I maybe humanity's enemy, but I'm your friend. I can't be a good girl and I don't want to be a God. But when I see someone crying saying no one needs them, I want to tell them, it's not true. No matter who, no matter where, I will come to the rescue. Because of her blood, she was constantly used over and over and over again as a tool for politics and war. Suffice to say, she isn't fond of humanity, but she will still sacrifice herself over and over to save them. It's instinctive for her. Just like when she volunteered to "save humanity" by offering herself up to be a baby maker for the state. Eren, of course, was the only one who stood up and fought back against this. Apparently, the goal was for her to eat Zeke when he landed, then she would give birth to as many royal blooded babies as possible to keep the threat of the Rumble. But something happened and right when it was time to go get Zeke, she became pregnant by some "stranger. Thus, ruining their plans. In many ways, the military looked at this as a betrayal and wondered why she changed her mind all of a sudden. Many assume that either Eren or Yelena met with Historia in secret and "convinced her" to get pregnant somehow. The only scene we have of Historia is her looking pathetically sad (or depressed) while looking to be far along in her pregnancy. It was heart wrenching, considering how she so longed to be free and live for herself. What did Eren/Yelena show her to change her mind? Why did she make Paradis vulnerable to Zeke? IMO, the Most likely answer is. same vision that Eren had saw through his father's memories. (Along with potentially whatever thing Yelena did) I could be completely wrong about this, but I feel as though this was a join effort between Eren and Historia. If Eren confided with Historia and told her (or showed her) what he saw not only in the future, but what he did to his father in the past to kill her family. I'd imagined emotions were all over the place. If I could theorize, I could say that Eren came to her, told/showed her the vision and what he did to Grisha, and probably longed for death and a wish that he would never have been born. Obviously, he may have wished for Historia or someone to take his life so that he wouldn't terrorize his father or bring forth Ragnorak. Clearly, Eren is still alive, so Historia must've agreed with him. Could Eren or Yelena pressured Historia into agreeing? Maybe, but I sincerely doubt it. People keep saying "Eren changed in chapter 90" and he did, but he didn't become brutal and cold until the Tybur Festival over 10 chapters (and three years) later. Eren was depressed and deep in despair (apparently he was a heavy drinker) for most of the timeskip, but he was still "Eren. He still loved his friends, wished for their lives to be long and was fighting hard to help Paradis. So, with that being said, I feel like, at some point, Historia came to the rescue and saved him from this despair, somewhat. Maybe theY became intimate. Maybe they devised a plan. Maybe they both saw hope, or maybe they found peace with each other as they state began to abuse them again. Bottomline, despite Eren's despair, that despair gradually gave way to more determination (and desperation) to keep moving forward for freedom, whatever that may be. Considering that Historia was the one who helped him get over his despair the first time, I believe she helped again. However, up until Eren's meeting with Yelena, he still didn't seem to have a clue as to how to save his people. Yet, he hoped and believed that he and Zeke were on the same page to help Eldians. All of that changed after he met Yelena that night. If it is true that Yelena told Eren about the Euthansia plan in this moment, it could be here that Eren found out that he and Zeke viewed freedom, life and death in two totally different ways. I'm sure that he told Historia about this asap and the probably were horrified that all of this volunteer/zeke help was a ruse and that he had no intention of being fed to Historia. (Yelena might've also told him about the wine, Tybur family, etc. Now, I need to point at this point, Paradis is "screwed. The only advantage they had was this alleged plan of Zeke and the help of the volunteers. Now that that is gone, they have nothing except Euthanasia plans, spiked drinks and a war chief who just created plans to attack Paradis as soon as possible. What on earth could they possibly do? Can you imagine Historia's and Erens reactions? If they act in any way they may bring the destruction of the world but if they sit back and do nothing, Eldians will be eviscerated? What choice is that? It could've been in this moment that Eren and Historia decided to just keep moving forward and devised a plan to somehow find hope in that vision of the future. "Whatever it takes" to save their loved ones. Can any of you really say that you would choose sacrificing all your loved ones instead of the world because less people would die? Sure, Eren may have thought up a way to save everyone, but even if he didn't, what choice does he have? That isn't even considering whatever the hell else Yelena could've said or shown them. And just to keep track on the factions in this world so that we don't sling the words "evil" Warriors want to exterminate Paridisians, then they would either return to Marley, and take on the inevitable wrath of the world, or they would simply replace Eldians on Paradis and get exterminated by the world. Eventually they would lose. World wants to destroy Paridisians and then all Eldians Marley wants to destroy Paridisians and then all Eldians Zeke wants to sterilize all Eldians and use a soft Rumble to eliminate immediate threats then spend the next 50 years deterring the world from attacking Marley until All Eldians die out. Eren wants to save all Paridisians (at least. May also want to save all Eldians/innocents and destroy his enemies. Paridisians just want to survive and partake in diplomacy around the world to restore their image. So, from this, it would seem that Paradis has the most honorable position, while Zeke may have the most humane one. Everyone else wants to destroy Paradis or all Eldians while Eren is the only one that wants to save them. And for those who think that sterilization is "clean" and "humane" you should watch Children of Men to see what type of world that creates. Not to mention the fact that Marley and other countries would still try to steal the Coordinate from Paradis just like they have been trying the past decade. In truth, until a portion of humanity can no longer transform into people eating immortal monsters, there will be no peace. My favorite line in the post timeskip chapters is when Armin is talking about diplomacy and how they can win back the trust of the world. But Eren looks at hime and goes, The world sees us as monsters, are they wrong. IMO, Armin and Paradis will be perfect in leading the world in diplomacy and ambassadorship once this war is over. But not before. I think Eren will leave the world to people like Mikasa and Armin after he fufills this vision of his and frees the Eldians/world as best as he can. Final Points: Yelena is still a wildcard and can potentially be the final antagonist depending on exactly who or what she is. But she is someone special, that is forsure. She maybe a God, A Devil, from pathsland, or the real Ymir. Hell, Eren's desperation can be born from what Yelena showed him in their secret meeting. Eren and Historia made a pact to end the war and free humanity by any means necessary. Now, Devil Eren' is about to touch Ymir the Founder, and I pretty sure he will go back in time to her memories and communicate with her. I am also sure that, To you, 2000 years from now" will be answered in Chapter 122. I softly theorize that Eren will convince Ymir to allow him the chance to fulfill the future vision instead of fighting against it, because, yes their is death, but there is also hope and life. And Because I believe in the Closed Loop time travel, once this interaction is complete, it will solidify the theory that Ymir the Founder and Eren Jaeger have been working together through Time Paths to free the world and that everything that has happened so far is the result of Eren going back in time and interacting with Ymir the Founder. In short, the next chapter may actually be the inciting incident that formed this series. (Tinfoil theory - Historia goes back in time and either becomes Ymir or gives birth to the child who will become Ymir) Woot, that took a while.
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